- Twenty Seven -

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Sooo apparently I'm in a band called Twenty Two Fanfictions with Black1967chevyimpala  and Loveprid

5:42 a.m.

Josh had to leave to help the stage crew a couple hours earlier, he insisted for you to stay with Tyler.

The nurse came out half an hour ago, Tyler's anxiety attack passed, but he's still having a fever.

You're tired, obviously. You slept uncomfortably in the stupid waiting room chair, but you still are groggy.

It was 5:58 a.m.

The nurse is bound to come out and tell you what's happening someone soon.

Occupying your time, you started reading the magazine on the table to your left.

While you were reading, the nurse came up in front of you, startling you a little.

"Tyler's awake, and he insisted you came to see him," The nurse said, forcing a smile.

"O-Okay," You bolted up immediately and started heading to the procedure room.

Opening the door, you look in to see Tyler, fighting sleep, on his bed, but he looked happy to see you.

"Hi pretty," He said in almost a whisper, his voice sounding weak.

"Hey Ty," You say sadly, reaching down to hold his cold hand. His hands were usually warm.

"So," The nurse started, sitting in her chair, "Tyler went though some check-ups, and he's healthy. Everything is completely fine, we just need him to take some pills."

Tyler scoffed.

"They will help him try to be happy-"

"Try," Tyler interrupted.

"The pills will also reduce the urge to self-harm," The nurse finished.

Tyler squeezed your hand, you looked over at him and he shook his head. Obviously not wanting the pills.

"Okay," You started, "I think this will be good for him."

Tyler gave you a dirty look, "You're agreeing with her?"

"Yes, I am, for your good," You say back calmly.

"Luckily, we gave him some meds earlier, which got rid of his fever. So Tyler's feeling a lot better," The nurse explained.

You nodded your head awkwardly in response, "So then, you two are free to go!" The nurse finished.

"Alright," Tyler mumbled, getting out of his bed but not letting go of your hand, "Let's go," He stated, almost pulling you out of the hospital.

You two quickly got to the car, and got into the drivers seat. But you didn't start the car right away just yet.

"Well, are we going to go?" Tyler asked, obviously pissed off about the situation.

"Not yet, Ty, I need to talk to you," You say as calm as you can be.

"Oh great..." Tyler mumbled and looked to the floor.

"Tyler," You start, looking him in the eye, "Why didn't you want to take this medication?"

"Because it won't help," Tyler said bluntly, giving you an agitated look.

"I'm doing this to make you happy, and for your own good-"

"Why does everyone say that..." Tyler started, "For my own good, you don't know what's good for me!"

You sighed and looked down, trying to swallow the lump in your throat, "Well, you're going to have to take those meds anyways, I promise they will help."

"Oh great, now you're crying," Tyler rubbed his forehead in frustration, "Let's just go."

You started down the busy highway, to the hotel.

"Tyler?" You ask.


"I love you,"

"Mmhmm.." Tyler mumbled.

"Are you going to say it back?"


『 Vibrations 』 》》 Tyler Joseph x Reader Where stories live. Discover now