- Ten -

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Your eyes fluttered open, only to see Tyler soundly sleeping on the bed above you, while you were on the floor.

Josh was laying next to you. His sky-blue hands laying under his head for a tiny pillow.

You quietly got up, so you won't wake the boys.

Entering Tyler's kitchen, you get some things ready for breakfast when Tyler and Josh finally wake up.

The blinds in the kitchen were open, the house finally had it's warm happy feel now. The golden sun rays shine through the window making everything illuminated.

You were preparing pancake batter when you heard light footsteps behind you.

You twisted around and saw Tyler standing by you, in a sweatshirt and his floofy hair a little messy.

He have you a sly grin and stepped over to you.

"Hey, good morning," Tyler said in his raspy early-morning voice.

"Hi Tyler,"

He opened up his arms, wanting a hug.

You smiled and immediately collapsed into him.

You rested your head on his warm chest as he wrapped his arms around you.

Tyler rested his chin on the top of your head, soothing you by rocking back and forth a little, and rubbing your back.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," He started, not letting you go.

"What are you sorry for?" You asked.

"You and Josh walking in on me having an anxiety attack."

You hugged him tighter.

"Tyler Joseph, I promised you I would stick by your side. So that's what I did."

You looked up at him, he smiled down at you.

He leaned down, closed his eyes. He slowly pressed his soft lips against yours, not wanting to pull back.

You kissed him back, but he pulled away quickly, and pressed his forehead against yours.

Tyler looked you in the eye.

"You're pretty," He said bluntly.

Butterflies flew in your stomach.

You smiled up at him, "You're a pretty boy."

He chuckled and pulled away so you could return to making pancakes.

A few minutes later Josh came in and sat at the kitchen table, "Salutations frens."

Tyler joined him, both of them playing on their phones.

You plopped pancakes on their plates and they went to eat right away.

They quickly finished, and Tyler checked his phone.

"Ah, Shoot, Josh were going to be late for soundcheck," Tyler said, glaring at his phone.

"Ah man..." Josh sighed, getting up and grabbing his car keys.

He waved and smiled at you, "Thanks for the lovely breffis."

"You're welcome! Bye Josh!" You shouted after him as he walked out the door.

You stood by the door waiting for Tyler to leave.

He approached the door, and smiled at you.

"What?" You asked, smiling as well.

"Oh nothing..." He said, leaning over as he kissed you on the cheek and slid something in your back pocket.

"Bye!! Don't forget to lock the house for me!" Tyler shouted as he left.

"Bye!" You shouted back.

Pulling the tiny piece of paper out of you back pocket, you looked down to see what it said.

'Backstage Pass for Twenty One Pilots.'

Well, it looks like I'm going to a concert tonight.

『 Vibrations 』 》》 Tyler Joseph x Reader Where stories live. Discover now