Divergent High

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A/N: enjoy and I will be doing a sequel. as soon as you finish reading the ENTIRE story look for it.i still don't know a name for it. shout outs will be at the end of the chapter. Enjoy this chappie!!!


"Four Eaton!" announces the principal, Mr. Puig.
"Tris Prior!" he says. As soon as he calls my name I hurry up there to grab my degree. I'm wearing a purple gown and a (forced to wear) purple bedazzled cap with a "T" on it in silver rhinestones.
I sit back down next to Tobias. After a few more people, I go up to do my speech. Here I go.

I walk up to the mike and start talking.

"Hi everybody. Senior year did pass by fast huh? I just want to let everyone here know I am so happy I came here. Here I found my first love, forever love, and lost best friend." I look at Tobias when I say that.
"I also found more friends that I'll never forget and will always be with me until the end." I look at Christina and see she's on the verge of tears.
"I'll never forget the fun we had. From the wild parties to always playing around and texting in class even when we sit right next to each other." I look at Zeke and Uriah and see them smile like the idiots they are.
"Even though I will be going to college and won't see my friends for a while, I'll never forget them and my adventures through this maze called high school. And I'm sure you guys won't either." I say. I walk off stage and get a standing ovation.

"You did pretty well for winging it." says Tobias.
"I know I did." I say.

We kiss and right before it turns into a full out make out session, the principal says," Hey Four Tris! No making out during a graduation. Especially if it's yours."

I turn away and blush a deep shade of red. I see Tobias is too. Everyone is laughing at us. Mr. Gonzalez tells them to stop and they listen.

For the rest of the ceremony, I zone out. Until he says, "Graduates, your tassel from the left to right." We all do so. "Congratulations! You are now graduates of Divergent High class of 2014!" he says. We all throw our caps up in the air.

Of course the boyfriends and girlfriends are making out, so me and Tobias walk up to the stage and yell, "Hey! No making out at a graduation! Especially if it's yours!"

The couples break apart, a blush. Whereas me and my friends are laughing our asses off.

A/N: shout outs:


I get my language from friends and kids at school and I'm turning 12 in a few months!! bye and remember to always............


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