Divergent High

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A/N: hey hey hey! so this going to be the party scene ad I decided to put some of best friends in here so. the names are Jeffry, Janet, and Mariah. so time to get to the disclaimer. Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN DIVERGENT OR ITS CHARACTERS. THAT BELONGS TO THE AMAZEBALLS VERONICA ROTH. I only own my friends.

Tris POV:

When we arrive at the party,I see some of my old friends, Mariah,Jeffry,and Janet.
"Oh my god! I have missed you guys so much!" I exclaim when I enter the house. When I say that, everyone looks at me as if wanting to know how I know them.
"I've known for about as long as I've known Four and they moved here last year." I say. When I finish I turn over to the triplets and see them nodding their heads.
"Group hug!!!" Jeffry said as if speaking my mind. I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw them again. When we break apart, Zeke yells,"Alright, we are about to play truth or dare my way. And if you don't want to play my way GET OUT!!!" After he says that, just about everyone leaves except me, the gang, and the triplets.

A/N: hey I know this like super duper short, but I have a lot if homework to do tonight so, yeah. and it's due tomorrow so double so. anyways bye! read comment and vote And remember to always........


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