Divergent High

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A/N: hey! so I have quite a few rants up already. Disclaimer: I do not own divergent or it's characters. thy belong to the wonderful Veronica Roth. this chapter is dedicated to my best friend Jeffry. btw: the hunger games is better than Harry potter.

Tris POV:

He gave me a promise ring. The most beautiful ring ever. It's simple, but I love it. On the outside, it's silver. On the inside, it says:

T+T= love

That has to be the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me.

I check the time on my phone. 12:15. I can't fall asleep, so I change into a bright pink tank top and black pajama pants with hot pink hearts on them. I go over to my T.V. and turn it on. I go over to Netflix and and settle in bed.

The movie I choose to watch is The Hunger Games. I don't know how, but The Hunger Games helps me fall asleep because I've seen the movie exactly 37 times. I know every single line and can sound just like Effie Trinket.

(A/N: everything I'm saying about the hunger games is true. I know every line, seen it 37 times and it helps me fall asleep. I need mental help!!! (that's what my friends say).)

After 47 minutes if watching, I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up to the sound iffy phone vibrating on desk. I get up and check the time; 9:12.

Great! I have about an hour before cheerleading try-outs.

At first, I didn't want to try-out, but she convinced me.

I take a shower and get dressed in lilac sweats and a lilac lace tank top. I put my hair in a pony tail and get in Carla.


As soon as I get to school, I walk over to the multipurpose room and see if I made the team.

Not only did I make the team, but I'm captain!!

I speed walk to my locker so I can tell Chris I made the team. As soon as I get there, Chris starts yelling at me saying things like," I'm so proud of you!" and "I knew you could do it!"

I tune her out for the rest if the time she's talking. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I whip around and see Tobias.

"I knew you could do it." he tells me. In response, I smile and give him a kiss on the lips.

I guess we kiss longer than I thought because I hear Chris screaming at me,"How can you kiss for 3 minutes straight without breathing!!!"

"Chris, STFU. Don't act like you don't do this to Will." I say. At that she blushes deeply. Then the bell rings.

A/N: hey guys!! so I wanna know: is the hunger games better than Harry potter? me and Jeffry r having a competition to see which is the best.

For the hunger games, type in the comments: Team Taylor

For Harry potter, type in comments: Team Jeffry

Every person that votes, I will follow you and if say hunger games then I love you. I really hope to win!!!!

Bye and remember to always.....


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