Divergent High

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A/N:hey hey hey! sorry haven't updated in while really crazy week and a ton of homework and softball practice with dad to get ready for try outs at end of month and reviewing words for spelling bee on tuesday....enjoy

Oh Shit! I'm gonna get it!!!! I think. I've always known Tobias was great at revenge. One time in second grade I told the girl he liked that he liked her because I thought he was over her. Apparently not. At first he was mad at me but then he asked if he could spend the night at my house. Of course I said yes but I had no clue what was in store for me. He knew absolutely everything about me and especially my fears. One of them was cockroaches. So when he came over to my house we watched movies like Tangled and The Avengers. About 11:30 we went to sleep in my room in sleeping bags. In minutes I fall into a deep sleep. About an hour later, I feel something crawling up my leg. I look in side and find a Madagascar hissing cockroach. I start screaming my head off but, no comes to help. Then I see Tobias on the floor rolling and crying from laughter.    I never forgot that and I'm sure as hell he didn't.

"Hey Trissy-poo!" he says while wrapping his arms around my waist. I quickly get out of his arms, turn around so I'm facing him and say,"Don't ever call me Trissy-poo!"

"Oh yeah? And watcha gonna do about it?" I punch him as hard as I can on the arm.

"Oh! First of all, that hurt. Second of all,midget's getting feisty!!!"
Oh he did not just say that!! He knows I hate being called a midget more than Trissy-poo!
"Three." I say in my deadliest and scariest voice.
"Are you okay Tris?" he asks me .
"Two" I say in the same tone.
"Oh god. This isn't good huh?" he asks.

"One. And I suggest you start running!" I yell.

After I say that Tobias goes into full sprint and runs down the hallway. When I catch up to him I give a nice black eye. He stares at me in shock. "Wow. You're that good at combat, you can give me,the one and only Four,a black eye.Wow." he says still in shock. " Yep." I say popping the "p".

He brushes off the fact I,a midget, just hurt him.

"What class do you have next?" he asks.

"Music. Do you have music next too?" I ask.

In response,he gives the say evil grin he gave me in P.E.

Oh shit! I'm screwed!!!

A/N: I do NOT own divergent or its characters that belongs to the AMAZEBALLS veronica Roth. sorry so short,had to study to spelling bee in about 4 days remember to always

ttyl!!!! read and comment!!!

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