Divergent high

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Turns out I have all my classes with Christina. I have P.E. with Tobias,Zeke,Uriah,Marlene,Shauna,Will,and Lynn. First period is boring History. At my old school I had the highest grade for history but I never paid much attention in class. I spend most of class Texting Christina even though she sits right next to me. When the teacher is about to give out a pop quiz, the bell rings. Saved by the bell. I think. Then I go to the girls locker room and changed into my P.E. clothes. I've always loved P.E..

When I walk outside, I see Tobias waving at me. So, I walk over to him. Right when I'm about hi the teacher comes. "My name is Coach Amar, but you can call me Coach." Coach says. "Ok. So do 50 push-ups,60 sit-ups,80 jumping jacks,and run two laps around the field." The entire class groans; even me and I love P.E.. I think I might've been the loudest groaner because he asks me what my name is what sports I've played."Uh,my name is Beatrice but I prefer to be called Tris. I've done basketball,gymnastics,competitive swimming,softball,hand-to-hand combat,soccer,and volleyball." "Very interesting" Coach says. "Do you think you can do some gymnastic stuff?" Coach asks. "Sure. Christina que the music any type." I say."Kay" says Christina.

And you'll never guess what song she plays. My turn up song I Love It by Icona Pop. When the music starts I do my routine. First, I start off back bends then front flips and cart wheels and back flips and all that good stuff. When the songs almost over I do a double back flip. When I finish everyone stares at me with awe.

"OK class. Get a partner and get to work." I chose Christina because she was the closest and I know her more than anyone else in the class except for Tobias who is partnered with Zeke. "Tris, you never told me you do gymnastics and all that other stuff." she says in obvious awe. "Let's get to work." I say. after about 30 seconds of doing push-ups, Coach gets mad and makes Tobias go out and do push-ups in front of the entire class."See? That's how you do push-ups. You. Blondie. Come sit on his back." he says pointing at me. "Me?" I ask. "Yes you! God, what is up with this class?" he complains.

I walk over to Tobias and sit on his back. I can already see an evil smirk on his face and that only means one thing. Oh shit! I think. Right when I finish thinking that he "accidently" dropped me by collapsing on the floor. The entire class is laughing but me and Coach were fuming. "What was that for Four?" me and Coach shout at the same time. "Just wanted to have fun here with Trissy-poo." he says Oh no he didn't. He did not just call me that. I think to myself. "Oh, you are so dead Four and never call me Trissy-poo again." I say in my most threatening voice. "Ahhh!!! I'm so scared," Four sarcastically says. "Yeah you should be because I know you're deepest and darkest secrets and I'm really good at combat." I say. Right after I finish I see him gulp.

"Hey! Four is scared of Tris!!" says Zeke. That earns Zeke a nice smile from me and a death glare from Tobias.

"Alright class back to work!" Coach blows his whistle, and get right back to work.

"Hey what did you say to Four." Christina says wriggling her eyebrows.

"Oh stuff only me and him know." I say with an evil grin on my face.

"God I never knew you were so scary. Threatening a quarterback. Tsk tsk tsk. He can get you back because he is great at revenge". she says.

"Ohhh so scary!" I say sarcastically.

After that me and Christina go to do our laps. Then I see Tobias right in front of us, so I decide to speed up and run ahead of him.

"Oh I see the way it is. OK watch your back Prior" he says.

Then out of no where he trips me. I stumble but I get right back up and run a little faster so can catch up to him.

"Sup" I say. That's enough for him to stop in shock. Then he starts running again. When he catches up I say "Wow! You're slow and you're a quarterback!"

"I'll get you Prior!"

Then the when I finish my laps, the bell rings. I try to avoid Tobias because I know he'll get me back. But when I come out of the girls locker room, he's standing right there.

A/N: I do not own divergent or its characters that belongs to veronica Roth. I'll try to update soon but busy writing a script for something me and a few friends are doing.....peace!!!! remember to #Smile:-) !!!!

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