Divergent High

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A/N: listening to the best singer ever Taylor swift!!!!!She is the best.....but enough of me talking about how much I LOVE taylor swift its time to get to the disclaimer:I DO NOT OWN DIVERGENT AND ITS CHARACTERS....THAT BELONGS TO THE AMAZEBALLS VERONICA ROTH!!! anyways......enjoy the story.

As I speed walked to music,(Tobias held me up) the bell rang. Shit!!! Now I'm late.

"Way to go Toby!!! Now I'm LATE!!!!" I say.

"Don't worry. I'll think of something." he said to me.

As we enter Ms.Tori's Music Room, Ms.Tori said,"Late again Four?" "Yeah. But for a good cause. I was showing Tris around." "Who's Tris? I just know a new girl named Beatrice." said Ms.Tori. I hear snickers around the classroom. I look at Christina and my friends and see them sending death glares to everyone who snickered. "I am Beatrice, but I go by Tris." I say. "OK great!!! Now today, we will be doing boy/girl duets."

I turn to look at Tobias and see that same smirk I saw in the hallway with Tobias. He's the only one who knows I sing. He knows I hate singing in front of people. This is way of getting me back.

"OK class. You may choose your groups. There has to be 9 people in a group and 9 people only." says Ms.Tori.

Everyone starts wandering around to find their groups. I start wandering until I see Christina,Uriah,Zeke,Shauna,Lynn,Will,Marlene and,Tobias. They wave over to me and I walk over to them.

"So....Tris....Four tells me that you are a great singer...is it true?' Chris asks me. I send a death glare at Tobias and find him smirking. How could he? He knows how I feel about singing in public. Before I can answer, Tobias answers for me. "Great singer? How about the best?! When we were in in kindergarten all the way to sixth grade, she would constantly sing Beyoncé,Taylor Swift,One Direction,Christina Aguilera, you name it!" Tobias says. I look down at the ground and blush 100 shades of red. "Wait you guys know each other?" Christina asks astonished.

"Yep. Friends since we were 5 all the to 11. Then I moved here and met you guys" says Tobias.

"Cool. Now enough of you guys, we need to figure out what song Four and Tris are going to sing and then who plays what." said Lynn.

"Woah, woah, woah. Who said anything about me singing?!" asked Tobias in shock.

"Because if you sing she might sing too." says Zeke "Right Tris?" he asks me. "Right Zeke." I say smirking. I look at Tobias, and he's giving me a pretty scary death glare.

"OK, so how about we do Everything Has Changed By Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran? Tris can do Taylor Swift parts and Four can do Ed Sheeran parts. The rest of you guys can play the instruments." said Marlene.

"OK class. Time to show us what you got. How about Tris's group goes first?" says Ms.Tori.

Me,Four and my gang get up there and playing.

So have to go soon, and stopped there for suspense. well adios amigos (but im pretty sure most of you are amigas) remember to always................................


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