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I just moved to California from NY. Trust me when I say I was hesitant at first but there was nothing left for me back on the east coast. Plus, I'm 27 it's time for me to worry about me for once .

I'm so thankful I found a full time job at this bakery which would help me find a place to live. But for now I'm at the motel about 2 blocks away from where I work.

Everything takes time... at least that's what my grandma used to say.

Things here in California are so different from NY. I think my accent was a dead target for customers to ask me where I'm from. Keeps my day going to talk to randoms who come in here.

"Welcome to BabyCakes! How can I assist you today?" I smiled big.

"I'll take the usual" this man said.

Not for nothing I haven't been working here that long that I know who gets VIP service.

"Sorry sir, what would be the usual?" I asked.

Before he could answer me my coworker ran over to me and fanned me away while she typed in the POS system his order.

"Sorry sir, she's new but your total is $13.56" he nodded and swiped his card. I stood there looking away until she was done. Maybe I should've watched to see what he usually gets. Too late.

"I was about to say, I never seen you here before" the man said.

"Yeah, I'm new sorry about that" I smiled.

"No problem, when did you start?" He asked.

"Almost two weeks ago". He smiled and nodded.

My coworker came with his order and handed to him with a smile.

"Well thank you! And thank you, Jasmine" he winked and walked out.

My coworker sneered at me when she saw the man wink at me. It's not like I'm interested! If she wants him she can have him. These California girls are to crazy for me. Trying to start fresh and these girls out here are making it hard for me.

The next day I was alone working the counter. I was hoping he didn't come in because I have no idea what he gets. It was a little slow this morning I definitely wasn't complaining. I took off my hat and let my hair loose. It was getting sweaty under the hat.

Hearing the door bell ring I knew someone walked in. I turned around to see the same man from yesterday.

"Good Morning, Jasmine" he said.

"Morning, how can I help you today sir?" I smiled and worrying this man would probably tell my manager I didn't have my workers hat on. But I smiled big anyway.

"The usual" I wanted to smack myself for not paying attention yesterday.

"Listen it's 10 in the morning and I didn't have my caffeine yet. So if you could be so kind and refresh my memory of what your usual is?" Trying to charm him.

He laughed loudly. "Even though I don't like repeating myself... I'll tell you only because your new and I love the way your hair looks".

"Wonderful and thank you" I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"It's a cream cheese bagel lightly toasted, with a black coffee with two sugars" he said.

"You got it". I turned around and started on his bagel. I could feel him eyeing me from behind.

"Listening from your accent I can tell you come from the east coast. But where?" He asked. Here we go!

"New York" I said while placing the bagels in the toaster.

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