Rule#23 || The Second Enemy! Grip!

Start from the beginning

" I heard it had a cool old-fashioned sound to it, like eth a samurai.. It's got a good ring to it, so I'm try-eth-ing it out. " The man explained. And everyone facepalmed. ' Oh.. So he's a foreigner. '

" I might-eth doing it wrong, but that's okay. After I kill you all here, I can drop-eth the 'eth' and no one will ever know. " The man continued and Miyako stared at him incredously, " Really? You're weird.. " She commented which make the man looked at her. He smirked, " Heh~ you were poisoned by him too? "

Miyako twitched, " So what of it? And Bare-hands, are those your killing tools then? Not impressive.. " She remarked. " Say the one who was being carried. "

" Let me at 'im!!! " Miyako struggle and Hayami tried her best to calm Miyako down.

The man then looked around and his eyes stopped at Miyako who struggle from Hayami's grip, " You! You're weird.. " Miyako stopped and glared at him, " What a hypocrite you are! "

" You don't have any sound in your footsteps. " He stated and Miyako looked at him. Everyone looked at Miyako, expecting her to make a remark and answer him, but instead of making a remark, She started to laugh making everyone shiver.

" Thank you for the compliment.. "

" WHAT!? "

" What is that answer!? "

" Where are your famous remark!? "

Everyone shouted and stared incredously at Miyako who force herself to shrugged her shoulder, " What? I just don't want to deal with him.. "

" Okay.. Okay.. You have to rest and don't make any trouble okay, Miyako-san? " Kayano said while sweatdropping and help Hayami carrying Miyako.

Miyako clicked her tongue, " I'm alright.. "

" No, you're not! "

" Look at Karasuma-sensei! He's a monster! Don't be like him Miyako-san!! "

While everyone shouted and yelled at Miyako, they actually care about her and Miyako just sighed, " Okay.. Okay.. "

The man twitched because he was being ignored. He cleared his throat and everyone attention back to him.

The man raised his hand, " My skills are actually in quite high demand, you know-eth. Passing through pat-downs is quite the advantage, after all-eth. When my prey draws close, I snap-eth their necks. Or if they fancy strikes me, I crush-eth their skulls. It's funny you know-eth. " He said and Hinata looked scared as everyone else as Grip continue, " The more you train-eth your strength for the purpose of killing people, the more you feel-eth like using it for something other than assassination. To be-eth precise, a fight. To the death, against-eth a mighty foe. After seeing who I'm up against, I've all but lost-eth my will to fight. Not to mention, it's a pain to mop-eth up the bunch of small fry by myself. "

Grip picked up his phone, " I'll call in my boss and my colleague to help-eth out."

But then, His phone was kicked out by Karma and the phone hit the glassess wall and cracking the wall. " Hey buddy-chill-eth. " Karma greeted with his usual tone. " You seem pretty average for a pro, huh? Breaking glass, Busting skulls? I can do that much. But if your opening move is to call in reinforcements, I guess that means you're too scared too take on a junior-high kid alone. " He said with his arrogant tone.

Karasuma who was being carried by Isogai shouted, " No! Don't be reckless! "

While Miyako raised her eyebrow at him in confusion. ' Wait... His head.. '

" Nurufufufu~ Don't worry Karasuma-sensei... " Koro-sensei said and Karasuma glared at him, " What? "

" His chin is down, so far He's been showing off his swagger with his chin in the air looking down on his opponents. But this is different, his words maybe as rough as ever but--- " Koro-sensei was cut off by Miyako who smirked, " But his eyes are looking straight ahead, alertly observing his foe head-on. Right Koro-sensei? "

Koro-sensei laughed, " Nurufufufu~ He'd been lying low ever since finals, but it seems he's learned well from his failures. Anyways Miyako-san, You seem to know a lot about Karma-kun.. Do you perhaps.. " Koro-sensei trailed off with his pink face and Miyako looked at him, " Huh? What are you implying??? "

" It's a shame I can't write down something that just I found.. It's really important!! " Koro-sensei freaked out and Miyako sweatdropped.

Miyako looked at Karma and then Grip and smirked when Grip positioned himself as did Karma. " Let's see what you can do-eth. Give this everything that you've got. You're facing one high-wall, an adult! " Grip said and Karma smirked.

Miyako shouted, " Give him a beating Karma! For insulting me! "

She didn't notice she was calling him with his first name and Karma looked at her. He smirked and then charged at Grip. Miyako noticed something strange about Karma and she widened her eye when she realized what it was. " Is he? "


Extra :

" Ugh.. Why's my head spinning? Am I caught their fever or virus? But how come? " Miyako thought as she changed her clothes to something that easier to move. She then looked at her bag or suitcase. She then looked serious and opened her bag revealing her clothes.

She then touch something and then, opened something from the bag, revealing her tools.

She grabbed it, " Should I bring it? Or not? But.. For what? "

And she remember something and looked at her phone, " My feelings from before was right.. " She sighed desperately.

There was a knock then.

" Oy~ Miyako-chan~ What took you so long?? Everyone's alreadyxwaiting for you~~~ " Karma called her from outside the door and Miyako sighed. She closed her bag and then opened the door. Karma stood in front of her with his smirk, " Oya? Never knew you're really slow.. "

Miyako twitched, " What did you say Bakabane? "

" C'mon~ Don't call me that.. " Karma pouted and then, Miyako blushed. She looked away and crossing her arms, " Never! " Karma looked at Miyako and he noticed the blush, he then smirked and poke her cheeks. " Eh~ what's this?? You're blushing? "

She snapped her head, " No! "

Karma still bother her and Miyako just sighed and shook her head, making her head dizzy. She then touch her forehead and keep herself steady. Really, her head's spinning with an unknown reason.

Karma then noticed and held her, " Hey.. Are you alright? "

Miyako looked at him, " Huh? Of course.. Just a little dizzy. " She said amd shrugged while Karma raised his eyebrow in disbelief and suspiciousness. He then touched her forehead and then compared it with his own temperature. " You're burning.. " He stated obviously.

" Really? I don't think so.. " Miyako said in confusion and Karma looked worry, " You should stay here and just help Okuda-san and Takebayashi. "

Miyako glared at him, " What? Of course I can't do that! "

She then walked away.

Karma just sighed and he covered his face.


Sorry if this is really short, cause I just want to end it here! So, the next chapter will be longer than before! ^^

And I actually planned to update yesterday but, I was sick! So, with a guilt in my heart, I can't update yesterday and I'm really really sorry!!

Hope you like it... Please vote and comment to give me motivation!^^

Sincerely, Chieko♡

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