fifty eight

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"You know, our anniversary is coming up." Glenn mumbles. After a few hours of the medication going through him, he woke up. I was still in there, even though I wasn't sick. 

At this time I didn't care if I was sick or not, or in danger. I just wanted to be with him. He needed me, esprelationship now.

"Why you ythink that?"I ask, laughing slightly. That was the most he had said in a while. He had mostly been quiet, the sickness taking over. He turned his head to look at me. Sweat glistened on his forehead, the sunlight reaching through the metal bars over the window giving a slight sigh of relief that there was still light outside. 

He laughed, coughing slightly. I put my hand on his chest, signing to him that he needs to relax. He breathes in deeply, shrugging,

"I just have a feeling, you know?" I smile, nodding my head.

Footsteps from around the corner, cause me to turn. I look, to see Emma, standing there with her head tilted slightly. 

"Hey," She says, leaning in the doorway. "How is he?" She asks, worried slightly. She had seen the state he was in earlier. Blood, blue. 

I look down at him, and nod my head, going to answer but his voice answers instead. 

"Better, I suppose." I nod my head again, giving her a slight smile. 

She walks in, sitting on the floor in frl ont of his bed. 

"Have you talked to your boy at all?" I asked her, seeing as he wasn't in here. The last time I had seen them together I believed was going to the watchtower. She shook her head, looking down slightly.

"No, he hasn't been able to come. He's out playing watchdog I guess." She says sadly. 

I pat her back, knowing that this must be rough on her. They had a strong relationship, for being so young. I turn back to see Glenn had fallen back asleep. I smile slightly, and look back at Emma. 

"I would love to keep you company, but I guess a fence broke down last night, and there walkers that need to be cleaned up. I'm going to see if they need any help." 

She nods her head, as I stand up, she puts her hand up, 

"If you see Carl, tell him that I miss him, and that he better not be eating all my fucking fruit snacks or I will cut him." She says, looking up at me. 

I laugh, and nod my head, 

"Of course," I say, and walk out.


I grab a body, throwing it into the back of a truck. I wipe the black blood onto my old skinny jeans. We need to get new clothes around here.

The truck is about full when Hershel walks outside to great us. 

"Want to come along to drop these in the woods?" Michonne asks him, seeing that he may want to get out for a few. He thinks for a moment, before nodding his head. 

"Might as well." He says, "It wont hurt to leave for a little." He says, before opening the car door. 

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora