fourty nine

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The ex Sheriff left his home, the prison. He had gone to make a deal with the devil himself, the man who called him self 'The Governor'.

"Have you talked to Kalee, or Glenn about what happened?" The old man asked, as they drove. They had been driving for minutes in complete silence to the bar.

The ex Sheriff glanced at the man, before putting his eyes back on the road.  He knew he was suppose to, but never got the chance. After his wife died, he was different. He knew he could have tried to fix their relationship, but he didn't. Now it was too late.

"No." He says, regret coming through his voice. The motor cycle in front of them turned to the left, down another long road. The old man huffed next to him, turning to face the ex Sheriff.

"Glenn told me." He says to the ex Sheriff. He glances at the old man, then back to the road again. He stayed quietly, waiting for the old man to tell him what had happened, and he did.

He told him the exact words Glenn did, trying his best to put it in the same words. The ex Sheriff stayed quiet, not sure what to say. He looked down and shook his head, regret running through his veins.

"I should-I should have asked first." The ex Sheriff stutters, looking at the old man. The man went to talk, but was cut off. "Im their leader, their my responsibility. I should have asked, i'm sorry." The man shook his head, but didn't speak.

They stayed in silence, until coming to a stop outside the bar. The ex Sheriff stepped out, and looked around as the old man slid into the drivers seat. Leaning down towards the car looking at the old man, he took a deep breath.

"If you hear shots, be ready to drive us out of here." He says to the old man, as the redneck walks over, crossbow in hands.

"You ready?" The redneck asks, the ex Sheriff glances at Hershel, before nodding his head.

"Let's hope this goes smooth."


"Where do you think your going?" I question Merle. He had two machine guns strapped around his shoulder, a bag on the other. He turned from where he was, right in front of the stairs and looked at me.

"Gotta go get my baby brother, that's where." He says, before turning back. Glenn glanced at me, then stood from where he was.

"Rick told us to stay put. We are going to stay put." Glenn tells him. When Rick began to go crazy, Hershel took role as leader. Now that he isn't here as well, it was all up to Glenn.

"You can't tell me what to do boy." Merle said, but stopped when Carl spoke.

"My dad said he will come back, he's going to come back." He says, Emma glanced at him, then nodded her head. Merle laughed lightly, scratching the top of his head.

"Listen kid, for all we know, your dads head is on a pole right now." Merle says, Carl stands up and leaves the room. Emma sends daggers at Merle, before standing up and walking away after Carl. Maggie huffed, and shook her head causing Merle to look at her.

"Don't say that, boy just lost his mom." Maggie says to him, Merle shrugs. she glares at him, before sitting down next to me and pulling out her gun to clean.

"You're not leaving." Glenn says to him, I look at his face from where I am, noticing his cuts and bruising were healing. I look at Merle who tilted his head at Glenn, who somehow made his way in front of him at the top of the stairs.

"You gon' stop me China man?" Merle questions him. I watch as the scene folds out in front of me, my eyes widening slightly.

Merle tries to hit Glenn, but misses when Glenn ducks out of the way. I stand up quickly as they roll down the stairs, trying to get a hit on one another. As I go to pull Merle off of Glenn, a gun shot rings out.

I jump slightly, turning around to see Kendall standing with a gun.  Everyone stayed silent for a moment, waiting for her to speak.

"Stop. Fighting." She says plainly. Glenn takes this as a moment to roll out from under Merle, and stand up. He looks down at him, as he leans against the stairs.

"No ones leaving." He tells him. Merle rolls his eyes, and Glenn turns back to everyone. "Whose on watch?!" He shouts slightly, noticing everyone was here, expect for Carl and Emma who had gone back to the cells. No one answers and he huffs away. I look down, and sigh before grabbing my gun and following him.

"Get Carl and Emma to go to the watch tower please?" I ask Kendall, who nods. I head out to where Glenn was, he had stormed off to the bridge. As I walk up to him, he went to talk, but turned and noticed it was me.

"Thought you were Merle for a second." He says, laughing lightly. I smile slightly at him, before standing next to him.

"I had Kendall put Carl and Emma on watch, their heading to one of the towers now." I say to him, turning to look at him. He nods his head, then turns to me. For a moment we stay quiet, just looking from the court yard, to each other.

Glenn leans in, kissing me softly. Kissing back, he grabs my hips. I pull away slightly, looking at the walkers and the woods, then him.

"Not here." I say to him, he looks to where I was moments before. Nodding his head, he grabs my hand and pulls me into a room the group never used. It had been cleared out, and was on the opposite side of the bridge that the cell block was.

Glenn kissed me one more time, before taking off his shirt, then helping me with mine.


Rick pulled back in, everyone coming back safe and sound. He stayed low key, not answering many questions on what was going on. All he did was grab Judith from Beth's arms and begin to hold her. The little girl cried, causing Rick to cringe. He sighed, hurt flashing in his eyes before handing the baby back to the young girl.

He looks at the group, before glancing at Hershel, then Daryl.

"I need to talk to you guys." He says before walking out. I look at him, annoyance striking my face as he walked out. Glenn looks the same way as me, wanting to know answers.

"This guy." I mumble, before walking off.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now