twenty one

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Glenn and I road in silence all the way home. He didn't even bother trying to start a conversation with me, knowing I wasn't in the mood. As soon as we came in sight to the farm land, Lori came scurrying over.

"Did you find the stuff?" She asks, looking between Glenn and I . I nod my head taking out the items she asked for.

"Here's your shampoo, conditioner." I say annoyed, throwing the items in her chest, "Oh and here's you abortion pills have fun." I say loudly, throwing them hard into her chest. Her mouth gapes open as I walk away, turning to Glenn giving him a look.

"She got attacked by a walker while grabbing your pills, almost didn't make it." He tells her, and she looks down sadly.

"I'm sorry, I just cant handle bringing a baby up in a world like this." She says to him.

As i'm walking away, I remember that I didn't put away the horses. I turn around and notice Glenn already handling both of them, and I smile slightly, thankful I didn't have to do it.

"How w,as the run?" Dale asks from behind me. I turn around and shrug, not in the mood to be mad at the nice old man.

"It was fine." I say. I go to turn around when he says something that makes me stunned.

"I know about Lori, and the walkers." He says. I stand still, slowly turning to look at him. I stare at him wide eyed and he shrugs. "Glenn's a bad liar." He tells me  nonchalantly. I narrow my eyes and him and tilt my head,

"You didn't tell anyone right?" I say, hoping that he didn't so Maggie has time to talk to her dad. He shakes his head but looks me in the eyes once again,

"You have to tell them. I already talked to Hershel though, and he doesn't plan on getting rid of them, his family is in there." He tells my, I nod my head already knowing that his family was in there.

"I know, Maggie told me. Look she said she would talk to her dad about it. Just give her time." I say and go to turn around again but he stops me.

"You have to tell them. Tell the group." He says to me, glancing around. I sigh and nod my head,

"Trust me Dale, I know." I say to the old man, the annoyance in my voice coming through. He sighs and walks away from me. I run my hand through mlk out of the rooy hair as I walk to the house, going to check on Emma. As I reach the porch I notice Carl must have gone back inside. I enter the room Emma was in quietly, only to see to faces pushing together. They don't notice me as I stand in the door way observing. Carl hovers over Emma, trying his hardest not to touch her, knowing it will hurt her. Emma wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I clear my throat, letting my presence being known, before anything else happens. Carl quickly gets back up, they both look at me red faced. I smirk at the two and turn to face Emma, "How you feeling?" I ask. She shrug

"Perfect since he came back." She says, gesturing towards Carl. I smirk and roll my eyes at her.

"Gross." I say and walk into the room more. "Going to kill someone in this camp if they keep asking me to go on runs, before they get me killed." I say to her, sitting on the edge of her bed. She laughs a little, but not to hard so it doesn't hurt her stomach.

"Who?" she asks me. I shake my head, not wanting to bring names in this and she rolls her eyes, "Just tell me." I look at Carl,just now remembering he was in the room. I sigh, not exactly caring.

"Lori.b" I say, Carl stiffens and looks at me confused. Emma gives me the same look and I sigh, realizing I would have to tell the story, but leaving out certain parts. "Lori has been having Glenn and I go to town, grabbing stuff for the group. She asked for something specific and I went to grab it, a walker came out of no where and grabbed my hair through the shelf." I begin, Emma's eyes widen in shock as I tell her the story. "I couldn't grab my gun or knife cause I was in an awkward position, and holding this walker off of me through the shelf. Thankfully Glenn was there, saved my damn life." I say, letting out a breath of air after I was finished.

"Sorry...sorry my mom almost got you killed." He says to me, trying to send a kind smile. I nod my head shrugging,

"Shit happens." I say, I go to stand up and and go to walk out of the room, but Emma draws me back in.

"Hershel was talking about you and Glenn earlier." She tells me. I stop dead in my tracks and turn on my feet, giving her a confused look. She takes in a breath of air before continuing, "He was talking to Maggie about you guys. Saying something about as soon as I get healed, that everyone is leaving. She was trying to make it so everyone stays, but then he brought you guys up. Saying something like ' Is it because of the blonde girl and Chinese boy? I told you to not get attached, that they wont be staying long." She says to me. I look at her rub my face,

"I'm going to go talk to Maggie." I bluntly say, and turn out of the room. As i'm walking out of the house, I walk by Glenn, he stops in his tracks looking at me with concern. "I'm fine, Emma is fine, i'm taking you hat." I say to him, taking his hat. he smiles at me and nods his head, walking into the house. I look around and notice Maggie is at the chicken coop, collecting eggs. I sigh, noticing from here the annoyance in her face as she sees me. I walk over and she turns away avoiding me.

"Look, its unsafe. I know your dad is going to kick us off the farm after Emma heals, and it sucks. But before then, you need to get rid of the walkers. They wont stay in there forever, the lock will break at one point." I say to her. She doesn't say anything and continues grabbing eggs. I sigh and place my hands on my hips, "Come on Maggie, please talk to me." I say to her, feeling bad about the whole situation. She goes to walk away but stops, turning around.

"Give me your hat." She says, I look at her confused, and go to talk but she stops me. "You wanted me to talk, so i'm going to talk. Give me the hat." I take the hat off my head, giving it to her. She takes it and grabs and egg from the basket,  placing the egg in the hat and crushing it onto my head by putting the hat back on me.

"You think its smart wasting an egg like that?" I ask her as she walks away, egg yolk dripping down my face. She turns and shrugs, while walking backwards,

"I think it was rotten."

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now