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Opening my eyes, relaxing once I remember I was safe. Suddenly, I notice a warmth around my waist. I look down to see 2 tan arms around me.

I smile lightly, but remember I had just met this guy. For some reason though, I felt safe in his arms.

Slowly, without waking him up, I slide out of bed. I look down to see him still sleeping, his eyes twitching lightly.  I smile down at him, but turn to find clothes to get changed.

After I get changed , I end up outside standing by the same logs from last night.  I look around, noticing how there is actually a lot of people here. 

Women working on laundry, I notice Kendall is among one of them. Dale on top of the RV, keeping watch, and a mix of people doing other jobs.

Looking around, I also see Emma with that boy that was Rick's son.  I smirk, noticing they were sitting basically on top of each other.

"Hey love birds." I say walking over, Emma jumps from her eat, putting her hands in her back pocket.

"What are you talking about?" She says, backing up slightly, letting out a small laugh. Carl looks down, blushing.

"Dont know, but Emma remember, if you keep staring at him you'll creep him out."

She glares at me, rolling her eyes before grabbing Carls hand and dragging him towards the lake.

"You havent even known him for 24 hours!"  I call out to her as she walks away. She flips me off before yelling back to me,

"Same with you and Glenn!" She yells to me. I look at her confused, and she rolls her eyes.




Yells are heard through the camp, as soon as Kendall and I heard our names, we were running. I saw Emma fly out of the woods, her hand held with Carls, and Morale's daughter comes out as well.

"Whats wrong!" Kendall asks, yelling slightly.  I hold my knife, running down the trail where the came from. Stopping, when I notice a walker chewing on a deer with multiple arrows in its side.

Men run ahead of me, bashing the walkers body to the ground, missing the head each time. Dale comes around the corner, axe in hand. He chops the walkers head off its neck.

The small group takes a moment to breath, I stare at them confused on how they still haven't killed the walker. 

A bush a few feet away from us ruffles, and everyone aims their weapon. I walk over to the walker on the ground while this is happening- stabbing it in the head.

"Don't you people know how to do anythin'?" I ask, barley above a whisper. I look up to see a redneck looking man,

'Daryl' I think to myself. Merle pops in my mind and I look at him, as he starts to call for him.

We all follow him back, Shane and others trying to calm him down, and to explain to him what happened.

"Is he dead?" He asks,

"We dont know." Rick replies, earning a remark from Daryl, which ended up with him throwing dead squirrels at Rick and ending up in a choke hold.

"He is still there, I chained the fence. We can still get him." T-Dog says. Someone walks beside me, I look over to see Glenn. I send him a small smile, as he rubs the tiredness from his eyes.

"We can get him, and the guns, today." Someone says.  People start to agree.

"Look you know this city the most, please?" Rick asks Glenn, to go along with him. Glenn hesitates but agrees.

"Ill go too." I say nodding, Rick nods at me, along with Glenn.

"Your going to risk 4 lives for who? Merle Dixon?" Dale asks, I look around, noticing T-Dog shifting in place.

"I dropped the key, its my fault so ill go." T-Dog says to us.

"Kalee he knocked you out, why are you risking your life for him?" Emma says to me, as I go to grab my 22, the one Cassidy had.

"Im not gonna be sitting around doing laundry duty." I say to her, turning to face her, and suddenly seeing Carl at her side.

"You ever going to leave her side?" I ask him, leaning against the car. He frowns a little, but smiles as soon as Emma grabs his hand.

"Leave him alone, he's my new best friend. He gave me food." She says to me. Carl looks down, stunned that she is holding his hand, again.

I chuckle before opening the truck door, and hopping in the back seat.

As soon as we start driving, there is an awkward silence. I suddenly remember what Emma said to me moments before and look at Daryl,

"Ya know your brother knocked me out within the first five minutes of knowing him?" I say to him. He looks at me and scoffs,

"With the way i've seen you talk so far I can see why."

I loom at him and flip him off. "Screw off, didn't see many other people jumping off their asses to save your brother."

He just nods his head and looks out the window, "He best be alive when we get there."


"NO!" Daryl cries, as I enter the rood of the building. I look around to see no Merle, but a hand?

My eyes widen, when I realize it really is a hand.

"He cut his own fucking hand off?!" I say, coming out more of a question.

We track the blood, that must of been Merles, to only find a broken window.

"Hopped out the window." Daryl says, a slight chuckle came through his voice, but it was covered by anger.

"Why? Theres walkers and everything around here." Glenn questions,

Daryl turns to him and shrugs, "Got nothin' to loose, told you nobody can kill Merle but Merle." He pause for a moment and looked around, "You give him a hammer and he'll shit out the nails." He continues.

I chuckle at the statement. Walking around, only to sit on the floor, everyone else following me.

"Now for the guns."

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now