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"Emma and Carl are up in the watch tower!" I say quickly, worry flashing over my face. I look behind me to see Kendall running out, giving everyone machine guns. I grab one quickly and pin myself against the wall. I turn the corner to see someone in the east watch tower. I look over at the one Emma and Carl were in, to see them peek out then go back inside.

Gun shots begin to go off, a bullets flying next to me. I duck back down and slide against the wall, mentally cursing at myself. Glenn comes over next to me, as we hear a loud crash. Everyone looks over to the field, to see a truck flying in. It pulls in and stops in the center, a guy jumping out. I aim my gun and go to shoot but he moves to quickly, sprinting to the end of the truck and ducking down, while opening the back. I look up from aiming my gun, to see walkers pouring out of the truck. My mouth drops slightly as I see Hershel in the field, trying his best to crutch away.

"Hershel's in the field!" I yell, causing everyone to notice him. Glenn begins to sprint away, I go to stop him but Maggie grabs my arm.

"He's gonna be okay! We gotta get the sniper and Governors men down there!" She yells, I nod my head and turn out front the wall. Rapidly shooting, the man is caught of guard. I shoot his shoulder, and he falls forward, grabbing his shoulder. He flips over the edge, plummeting down head first. I turn away from him, knowing he was dead and aim at where Glenn was. Walkers begin to go towards Hershel faster, Michonne using her sword to kill most of them, I begin to shoot the ones closest to Hershel. Glenn pulls up with a truck, causing Hershel to jump inside of it to safety.

"There leaving!" Kendall yells, I look over to where the Governors men were, and see them jumping in their cars. I once again curse at myself for not shooting him while I could, but know I did the right thing. They all leave quickly, leaving everyone at the prison in silence.

"Emma! Carl!" I yell, hoping they were okay. I hadn't seen them since they peeked out at the beginning. They popped their heads out, looking around. Rick comes into the prison, two people following him. I was happy to see two of the three people, happy they were okay.

"Daryl, your back." I breath out, he nods his head as Merle comes up behind me, a grin on his face.

"Blondie, how you doing." He says. I roll my eyes at him, and look at Rick, who had blood all over his face. Glenn pulls the car into its place, Hershel and him hopping out.

"Why is he here!?" Glenn shouts, noticing Merle right away. I look at him, then away, wanting to ignore Merle and his antics.

"Come on, you know I ain't a bad guy." Merle says, smiling. I walk away, inside the prison as Emma and Carl walk up to the group, hand in hand. I put my gun back, and begin to check how much ammo we had. I knew this wasn't going to be the last time something like this happened.

"You okay?" A voice says from behind me. I turn to see Glenn, standing behind me next to one of the empty tables. We had began to keep the guns in the common room, so that if anything like this happened, we were ready. Clearly, we needed to work on being ready. Kendall had been smart and grabbed the guns quickly, but we should have already had them on us.

I nod my head at him, and stand up as everyone begins to make their way in. I watch as Rick walks Merle to one of the empty cells, locking him in. Everyone beings to follow him, waiting for him to do his leader like thing and tell us what is next. He turns and looks at all of us after he locked Merle in, taking a deep breath.

"From now on, we are going to have someone on watch, every hour of the day. Two people in the east tower, two people in the west. Everyone will carry a fully loaded gun, we have to be ready. If anything like that happens again, we can't afford to loose anymore people. Axel was a good guy, was always willing to help. He was the last prisoner, we have only been here for a month and we meet all of those men on the first, second day." He says, he takes another breath, and begins to walk around. "That right there shows, how fast people can come into our lives, and just leave. It doesn't matter how it happens it just does." He says to us. Everyone nods their head, understanding what he meant.

"By now, Governor already has post all the way around the prison. Every road is going to have someone on it all day and night. Just trapped us in now, and there's nothing you can do. " Merle says from his cell, Rick goes to talk but Merle cuts him off. "You should have left last night while you still could." Rick shakes his head, and walks away. Everyone stands still for a moment, before Glenn speaks up.

"You heard him, two people in east, two in west. Who's going for duty?" He says, no one answers and I sigh looks at everyone.

"Glenn and I take west, Maggie and Carl you guys take east. Carl and Emma take the bridge, start taking the pallets we found and setting them up along the edges." I say, glancing at Glenn before walking to the common room. I hear footsteps behind me, as I grab a machine gun, and an extra round of bullets.

"You don't have to go, I'm fine being by myself if you want to go lay down or something." Glenn says to me. I shake my head, signaling that I was fine. "Kalee really-" Glenn goes to say but I cut him off,

"Has anyone taken care of Axel's body or the snipers?" I ask. He turns back around as Hershel walks in. Hershel must have heard the question, as he is the first to answer.

"No, i'll get Daryl to take care of them, I need to talk to Rick." He says, crutching over to the exit. I nod my head, loading my gun. I turn the safety on before turning away from Glenn, and walk out the exit. As I step out I hear Rick say something, that Glenn must have heard as well.

"I saw people in the bushes, not walkers. Merle was right." He says to Hershel, not knowing Glenn and I were right there. I bite my lip, holding back from saying something.

"Perfect, now people are watching us, and Merle was right." Glenn says, causing Hershel and Rick to turn around. Rick goes to talk but Glenn walks away. I follow him to the watch tower, and aim my gun at the woods line. It quiet for awhile, both of us not knowing what to say.

"Do you think Rick will lets him stay?" I question, causing Glenn to look over at me. He stays silent for a moment, before looking down then back at me.

"Yea, because if he sets him loose, and he ends up going back to the Governor, we would be screwed."

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now