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                                    8  M O N T H S  S I N C E  T H E  G O V E R N O R  A T T A C K E D

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8 M O N T H S S I N C E T H E G O V E R N O R A T T A C K E D


We had taken in all of the people at Woodbury. The army that The Governor had come and try to kill us, were all killed. Killed by The Governor himself. It was mostly Elderly and children, come women here and there and some men. They became part of our group.

The Governor had never shown up again, it was as if he just dropped off the face of the planet. I didn't mind though. It was better when he wasn't here to try and scare us off of our land. Everyone seemed calm now, happy. Michonne went out every moment she could, looking for him. She lost tracks of him after the first month. Ever since then she had just been scouting the area, looking for a sign.

She wanted to kill him for not just getting her shot, sending his people after her, but because of Andrea. After the last fight, when Michonne, Rick and Daryl went to go finish it, they saw her. They found her in a room, nothing but a chair, a walker and herself. Andrea had been bit, and it was The Governors fault.

She smiled her way through Rick says, and said she knew how the safety works. She wished us the best and hopes we all beat this world. My heart ached slightly when I heard that, she may have been a bitch sometime, but she wasn't a bad person. She didn't deserve to die the way she did.

Glenn had proposed to me. I remember the moment as clear as day. It was the day after the attack. I was standing in the field, watching the woods line. I'll admit, I was looking for The Governor. I was waiting for him to pop out and send a bullet through someone, maybe even myself. Glenn had walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I turn around to face him, smiling at him slightly.

He looks nervous, but I push i off to the side figuring it was just The Governor. Shifting on his feet, he backed away from me slightly. I tilt my head, slightly confused. He runs his left hand through his hair, before looking at the ground. He looks back at me, stepping closer, taking my hand in his.

I feel something cold in my hand, I open my hand, looking down at it. My stomach fills with butterflies and my heart skips a beat. A sliver ring, with a small diamond on it laid in my hands. I quickly look back up at him, he smiles at me as he sees the lightness in my eyes.

"Yes." I say, before smiling brightly. The nervousness leaves his body and he smiles largely, pulling me into a tight hug. He lets go after a moment, taking my hand in his once again. Placing the ring on my finger, he takes my hand to his mouth, kissing my knuckles.

"I love you." He says, letting go of my hand, and placing them lightly on my face. I smile as he says it, never getting used to those words.

"I love you too." I say, and place my lips on his.

Ever since The Governor had captured us, Glenn had changed. He had grown up I felt like. Yea, he was a man before hand, he was strong and smart, but it was different. He stepped up, he became a leader. He was no longer just an errand boy, he was someone people had to count on. He got them supplies, and he helped them survive.

Glenn was always angry after the capture also. Something inside him clicked, and he knew he couldn't just be the nice guy anymore. He had to make people fear him, and to make people fear him he let his anger out. I never feared him though. At some points I got mad at him for bringing up that the guy was a rapist. It was rather embarrassing, people looking at you with sadness. Not everyone had found out though, which I was thankful for.

I woke up cuddled into Glenn's chest, his arm wrapped around me tightly. His bare chest was warm, and just being wrapped in his embrace made me happy. It made me wish I could just stay there forever. I pushed my head back slightly, so I could look at his resting face. His eyes were shut lightly, his face relaxed. I smiled at him, even though he couldn't see me.

"Could you stop staring at me, your such a geek." Glenn says, startling me slightly. I laughed and shook my head, his eyes were still closed. Slowly, his brown eyes opened and looked into my green ones. I smiled at him again, as he laughs lightly.

"I don't think you should go on the run today." He says to me. We had planned on taking a group of people to the Big Spot we had found a few days ago. We didn't want to go alone, due to the fact walkers might have invaded the place. I nod my head, and sigh, knowing it wasn't worth fighting. I really did want to go, but I knew Glenn really didn't want me to.

"Okay." I say, looking back in his eyes, he smiles as if he knew I was going to try and fight.

"That's the first time you let up easy." He says to me, I roll my eyes laughing slightly.

"I'm tired and now that I have nothing to do, I can spy on Emma and Carl all day." I say to him. Glenn and I had walked in on Emma and Carl having sex multiple times now. It wasn't even before they had sex anymore, it was during. Me and Him were the only people that knew about the couple and their watch tower duty's. Glenn thought it was hilarious to see Carl frantically try and explain himself, even after we had caught them multiple times before. I roll on my back as Glenn snorts slightly, knowing I wasn't joking.

" Your nasty." He jokes, and I sit up nodding my head.

"Your not wrong." I say with a smirk, only to earn him to roll his eyes.

"But your still mine." He says sitting up as well, glancing over at me. I blush slightly, and shake my head at him.

"Your adorable, i'm stealing this shirt." I say, looking through our pile of clothes. Somehow, all of his tee shirts ended up in my pile, mostly because I wore them all. He rolls his eyes once again and nods his head.

"When don't you steal them though." He says, walking up next to me. I chuckle and nod my head again,

"You already said it, whatever was yours is mine."

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now