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My knees made there way up to my chest, resting my forehead on them. The water raining down from the shower dribbled down my face.

I closed my eyes, wishing to forget that someone from my own camp had done this. Someone had done this again. I attempted again to hold back the tears, but they came anyway.

A knock on the bathroom door broke me out of my pained state.

"Kalee?" A soft mans voice asked. I recognized the voice as Glenn's, the guy who saved me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and stood up, shutting off the water and noticing I had no clothes. Wrapping myself in a towel, I walked over to the door of the bathroom.

Somehow I had ended up in Glenn's bathroom after the Shane incident. He had brought me to his room and offered me a shower, which I took.

The one thing I hadn't thought about was that I was lacking clean clothes.

"Glenn?" I croaked out, my voice raspy after the screaming and crying. His head popped up from where they were in his hands. He stands up, rushing over to me,

"Ya, whats wrong?" He says, worry still plastered on his face.

"Can you go to my room and grab a pair of shorts and a shirt please?" I ask him, he looks confused then notices I was in a towel.

"Uh-ya-of course." He stutters, rushing out of the room.

He comes back in, handing me shorts but no shirt, I look up at him and tilt my head,

"I uh- couldn't find any shirts that didn't have less than 2 blood stains, so you can use one of mine." He says to me, I send him a small smile and nod my head. He turns and grabs a grey shirt, 'Sal's Pizza' it said on it.

He hands it to me and I laugh lightly looking at it then him,

"Was this your work uniform?" I ask, he looks down at the shirt and nods laughing lightly as well.

After I get changed, I walk out to see Glenn, once again head in his hands.

"Thank you." I say to him, breaking the silence and letting my presence be known. He looks up and nods his head,

"As soon as I heard the scream I knew something was wrong." He tells me, I nod my head and brush my fingers through my hair.

"Can I stay here tonight? I know they will let Shane get away with this and I rather not be alone." I ask him, he immediately nods his head.

"Of course." He says. "Do you want something to drink?" He asks standing up, I nod my head thinking for a moment,

"Get me some whiskey, with what just happened, I need to forget." I say, he just nods his head understandingly.


"How old are you exactly?" I ask Carl, he looks up and shrugs,

"The last time I checked I was 14." He tells me. I nod my head. We laid next to each other, holding hands.

"I cant believe Shane..." I go to say- but getting cut off my Carl.

"I wont let that happen to you." He says to me. I look at him snd nod my head, thanking him.

"It shouldn't have been her." I started again, but he cut me off,

"Should have been no one."

I nod my head and turn, laying my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around my back holding me close.

"I wont let anything happen to you."

/3rd person/

The golden haired girl and the Korean boy sat across from each other on the bed. Both holding glasses of whiskey.

The golden girl went glass after glass, shortly finishing the bottle. The Korean boy sat sadly, looking at her as she did so.

"Its not working." She mumbled, looking down and frowning. He looked at her and tilted his head, already knowing what she was talking about.

"Give it time?" The Korean boy suggests, but she laughs and downs the last glass. She shrugs and looks him in the eyes,

"Not that easy pizza boy." She starts, he goes to talk but she continues, "It happens once, scaring you for awhile. Happens twice, you still feel it. Third time, you go numb. But those three were right in a row." She says, to the Korean boy, bringing up what happened with the guys who captured her and her group.

"When it almost happens again, everything comes back." Her voice breaks as she speaks, "The feelings, the pain." She pauses, "The numbness."

The Korean boy couldn't handle seeing her like this. He leaned forward, bringing the golden haired girl into a tight hug. She tensed up at first, but hugged the boy back, putting her face into his shoulder.

They stayed there for what felt like hours, but was only minutes. The boy rubbed her back, trying his best to help the poor girl. The girl was thankful for this, thankful that she had stumbled upon this Korean boy in Atlanta.

When they let go of each-other. The golden girl's eyes were puffy and red, tiredness showing through. Her words were slurred, after she had drank many glasses of the whiskey.

The boy noticed this and grabbed the girls hand leading her to the top of the bed. Helping her down, she never let him go. The boy looked down at the girl, as she pulled him into the bed next to her. He gave her a small smile, laying next to her.

The girl laid on her back, staring at the ceiling.

"It will be okay, ill try my best to protect you, trust me Kalee." He says. She turned to face him and nodded her head. The two looked at each other, both having butterflies in their stomachs.

The two in the slightly drunk and overly drunk state knew enough that they shouldn't kiss now. They didn't know if the other felt the same.

Little did they know, they were in love with each other. All they could do was hope the other felt the same.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now