twenty four

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"No, stop doing that gangster shit, man." I say to Jimmy. He holds his gun sideways, as if he was a gangster, trying to look cool. I roll my eyes at the young boy and walk over straightening the gun out, "If you ever had to point a gun at a person and you did that? They would shoot you on the spot for acting idiotic." I say, walking away to look at other people. T-Dog had joined us in walking around, for he had learned to shoot fairly fast.

"I say we move her up to the next class." I hear Rick say, next to Andrea with Shane. She smiles at Rick, then smirks at Shane. Shane licks him lips and I look away before I gag, still holding a strong grudge against the man. I look over to see Emma and Carl next to each other, aiming for the bottles. Emma has a good handle of the gun, unlike Carl. He kept glancing at Emma, trying to do the same stance as her and continued to try and attempt to shoot the bottle. I walk over behind them,

"Everyone shoots in a different stance Carl. Make yourself comfortable and maybe you will be able to hit at least one bottle." I say, he looks at me annoyed and nods his head. Emma chuckles and turns around, dropping her arms so the gun was no longer pointing forwards.

"I think i'm good, when we got stuck in Atlanta I learned to shoot good pretty quick." She says to me laughing lightly. I nod my head chuckling at the memory, remembering how without Glenn's help, we would most likely be dead.

"I never thought getting trapped by dead people would lead us somewhere safe." I say to her, referring to us getting led into this group. She nods her head and looks at Carl.

"I like it better with a bigger group, than what we had before." She says to me, I nod agreeing with her.

"I like a big group but I still like the small one. Less people to feed, but more protection and help in a bigger group." She nods her head while listening to me. A bottle breaks and I look to see who had hit their target, only to see it was Carl. He turns to us, smiling widely,

"I knew I would end up getting it." He says, smirking slightly. I roll my eyes and nod my head,

"Yea, yea whatever. If it wasn't for me though." I say smirking back at him, and turning around to go check on more people. Around 20 minutes later, everyone that went either hit their target, or ran out f their allowed amount of bullets. Only Carol and Beth had ran out before they could hit any of the targets. I had noticed that through the whole time we were at the shooting range, Daryl wasn't there."Where's Daryl?" I ask when we all get situated into the car.

"He said something about going and looking for Sophia instead." Glenn tells me, turning his head to make sure he doesn't hit anything while backing the car up. I nod my head understandingly and look around the farm as we drive back to where we set up camp. When we get back,Hershel was waiting on the porch, as soon as the cars came into view he was heading off of the porch, heading over to us.

"Did one of your people take one of the horses?" Hershel asks quickly. we all look at each other slightly confused, until I remember Daryl.

"Daryl went out a little bit ago, he might have taken a horse to cover more ground." I say to him. He nods his head,

"Look I don't mind if you people use the horses and stuff to search for your little girl, just make sure you ask first. Daryl took 'Nervous Nelly', who isn't exactly the best horse." he says to us, glancing at Maggie and Beth.

"Um, why do you call it 'Nervous Nelly'?" Kendall asks, breaking the slight silence. Hershel sighs and scratches the top of his head,

"She is always nervous, hears a squeak in the woods and will start to run." He explains to us. Everyone understands and looks at the woods line, hoping to see Daryl come back on his horse at that moment. He never comes through and everyone ends up going back to doing their own thing. I walk around for awhile, looking at everyone till I hear a car pull up, and notice Shane and Andrea get out of it.

'I didn't even notice they were gone.' I think to myself. 'The peace and quiet of no drama was relaxing while it lasted.' Andrea immediately heads up the RV, going to take watch. I walk away to go check out the horses when only 3 minutes after I left, Andrea starts to yell.

"Walker!" She yells. Everyone rushes over to see her pointing at the woods line. A lonely walker making its way to the farm house. I grab my knife from my side, looking at Glenn.

"Leave it! Hershel says he wanted to take care of the walkers himself." Rick says to everyone, an almost shirtless Shane buts in,

"Nah man, its cool. We can take care of it." He says to Rick, rushing forward towards to walker. Glenn runs up, following Shane, along with T-Dog and Rick. I watch as they walk away towards the walker, only to hear Lori start to say something.

"They said they can handle it." She says, I look up at the RV to see that Andrea had laid down, aiming her rifle forward. She didn't speak as she aimed,

"Andrea stop trying to be a hot shot, let the guys take care of it." I say between my teeth to her. She ignores me as well, loading the rifle. I sigh, and a gun shot goes off into the air, hitting the walker from across the field. I look at her to see her smiling as it falls.

"No!" Is heard from across the field. Multiple screams from that end are heard and I rush forward, hoping nothing had happened to Glenn. As I run up. I notice a bloody looking Daryl, ears around his neck with a large wound of his stomach and head.

"Did I kill him?" Andrea cries as she runs up as well, noticing what she had done. I see Daryl is still breathing and turn to her,

"No, thank god your an awful shot from a far, if that would have killed him that would be on your hands." I spat at her. She looks hurt at my words and goes to speak but nothing comes out. She follows the men to the porch, and sits down on the stairs as they bring him in. I sigh and look down at her,

"Its fine you know, we all have wanted to shoot Daryl." I say, trying to cheer her up lightly, only because I didn't want to deal with her moping around. She chuckles and nods, placing her head in her hands.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now