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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"I told you guys the hose wouldn't last." Dale said. We were currently stuck in a traffic snarl, when the RV's hose broke.

"Couldn't we jurry-rig it?" Glenn asks, glancing between Dale and the RV.

"That's what we've been doing. This thing is more duct tape than hose." He says and sighs, grabbing the hose and tossing it in the grass.

"Well lets go through some cars, must be a hose we can use somewhere around here.Get other supplies that we could use as well, clothing, food, anything useful." Rick says, and goes to send everyone off but is interrupted by Lori.

"This is a graveyard." She says to us, looking around, a horrified look on her face. I roll my eyes and walk to the closest car. She looks at me and scoffs and I just keep walking.

Looking through the cars, I find a few bags of clothes full for the girls, and some stuff for the boys. I go to bring the stuff back to the RV,  but Glenn runs in front of me, pointing to get under the cars.

I look around and notice Emma and Kendall doing the same, and I slide another the car with Glenn. I look at him confused, only to hear what we were hiding from, walkers. My breath hitches in my throat and I close my eyes, not wanting to get caught by the dozens of walkers going by us.

Glenn taps on my shoulder, looking at me worriedly. I look at him and then back to the walkers, only to see they were all gone.  I wait a few moments, only to see Rick running into the woods. I look back at Glenn confused, and he rolls out from under the car. As we go back to where the group had met up, I notice a crying Carol. I look around confused once again.

"My baby...Shes only 12!" She cries. I look at Glenn and he tilts his head confused as well.

"What happened?" I say to no one in particular. Kendall turns her head to me and look at Carol, then me again.

"Sophia got chased by two walkers, she ran into the woods. Rick followed her." She tells me and I nod my head. I turn around, not knowing what to do cause everyone else was on top of Carol helping her.

"Jesus. What happened to you!?" I exclaim, looking at T-Dog. He had a bloody arm, a large cut going down it.

"While trying to get away from the walkers I ended up cutting my arm on some metal." He tells me calmly. I walk over and look at the cut, as I touch his arm he flinches away. I look up at him confused, only to see the pain spread across his face.

"Don't. That fucking kills." He says to me I nod my head and look back down at the cut. I shake my head not knowing what to do or say,

"We don't have anything to take care of this. Just wrap it up and ill look in the cars for some meds." I say to him, and he nods. As I walk away I hear a shout, realizing it was Carol. Rushing over, I notice Rick was back. He looked confused as if he didn't know what happened as well.

"She's not here?" He questions, we all look at him dumbfounded. Carol cries loudly again, Rick turns back around looking into the woods. He points at Daryl, Glenn and I, waving us over.

Walking over, I hear Carol repeating to everyone that this was all Rick's fault. Rick hears this and looks down, sad that he had lost the girl and must take the blame. After everyone makes there way over, Rick tells us the plan.

"Daryl you know how to track. Your going to lead us down and track her see what we can find. Glenn and Kalee, you guys are going to watch for walkers. We need as many eyes as we can and you guys know how to take down walkers. We nod our heads, looking up to notice there was only about an hour of daylight left.

"We're gonna find this girl and she's going to be all right." Shane says to the crying women, as Rick and the rest of us went to look for Sophia. As we enter the woods, Rick leads us to where he says he left her and instructed her on how to get back to camp. As we walk up I notice its a little creek,right away Daryl picks up Sophia's tracks.


"Got into somethin' right here." Daryl says to us pointing down to the ground. We follow him quietly, hoping to find the young girl. "Her tracks just went dry." He says, looking back at us. We look at eachother confused, then back to Daryl. "Somethin' must have spooked her." He adds. We all sigh and wait for Rick to tell us what to do next.

"Glenn and Kalee, you two go back to camp and tell Carol we are on her trail." Rick says to us and we nod, heading back to the highway. Glenn and I walk next to eachother silently, back tracking the same way we came.

"Do you think we will find her? Find Sophia?" Glenn asks me, quietly. I think for a moment, and shrug.

"Hopefully, but there is also dead people walking the Earth so its not like how it was before. Like Daryl said, she must have been spooked by something, probably a walker. I just don't know." I say, the stress lacing my voice slightly. I look at him and notice him nodding his head slightly, agreeing with me.

"I hope we do. I mean she's just a kid." He says to me, looking at me. I nod and look up to see we had made it back to the highway. As Carol sees us parting the woods, slight hope is in her eyes only to see that Rick and Daryl aren't with us.

"You didn't find her?!" She shouts, falling back into Lori's arms. We look down sadly, Glenn clears his throat and looks at me then Carol.

"They are on her trail." He says to the poor mother, trying to calm her down. She continues to cry into the women that surround her, as Glenn and I walk away.

As we walk away I notice Emma, Kendall and Carl all hanging out looking sad in the back of a truck. I nudge Glenn and nod over at the direction where the kids were, he looks at them sadly.

"Its sad to see other kids sad." He says frowning. I look at them all once again to notice Emma and Carl holding hands, his arm around her so that her head was in his shoulder. From here you could see all of their red eyes, proving that they all had been crying about the missing girl.

"Yea." I say to Glenn nodding. He looks at me and trys to pull a small smile, but fails. I look at the sad boy and bring him into a hug. He takes a moment, but wraps his arms around my waist, holding me tight against him. "Stop being sad." I tell him, speaking into his shoulder, "It makes me sad."

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن