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"Ill make the run for the guns." Glenn says to us. We all look at him,

"Its a suicide run." I say back, shaking my head. He looks at me and shrugs,

"Im the fastest. Daryl and Kalee you go to this alley right here." He says point to a little drawing he had made on paper. I nod my head

"What about Rick and T-Dog?"  I ask, looking up from Glenn's drawing. He points to an alley, 2 away from Daryl and I's. I furrow my eyebrows looking at him then the drawing.

"Its two allies away." Rick says, noticing the same as me.

"I might not be able to make it to Kalee and Daryl, so you guys would be a better shot." He replies. We nod and head to our places

"You got balls for a China-Man." Daryl says to Glenn, before he runs off to get the bag. I laugh and see Glenn look at Daryl with a blank expression,

"Im Korean." He says, before sprinting off into the walker hoarded streets. I hold my gun, waiting for Glenn to get back.

"Pablo! Pablo!" A yelling behind me startles me. I turn, pointing my gun at a young boy. He throws his hands up, yelling more words in Spanish.

"Shut up kid!" Daryl yells, aiming his boy at the boy. Suddenly more men come out, yelling at us and start to throw punches at us.

"Get the guns!" One yells as Glenn runs into our ally, the gun bag in hand and a sheriff hat.  I hit a kid with my gun, and watch Daryl shoot a man in the ass with an arrow.

"LÁ PUTA!" He yells, pointing at Daryl, I see Glenn get grabbed by a man and I run over, kicking him in the back of the leg, causing him to fall. I trip on something and fall on top of him. He pushes me off and pins me down, my head hitting the concrete, causing my world to go black.


"I wonder how Atlanta is going." I think out loud. Carl looks at me and shrugs,

"Same, but im glad im here with you." He says to me. I look down, blushing lightly.

"Do you want a snack from the RV?" He says, standing up, and titling his head at me,

"When don't I?" I say, laughing. He smiles and nods, running to the RV.

'He's so cute' I think to myself. A confused look is placed on my face after I think that. 'Did I already have a crush on Carl?'


I wake up, in a hospital looking room, Glenn sitting in the chair next to me. I sit up quickly, regretting it immediately.

"Slow down, you hit you head, again." He says, he smiles slightly. I look around confused,

"Where are we, where are the others?" I ask him. He shrugs,

"I guess you could say we got taken? They say they wont hurt us though, unless Rick and them hurt their boy." He says to me calmly.

I run my hand through my hair and nod. A man opens the door and looks at Glenn and I,

"Good to see your awake." He says to me. I narrow my eyes at him and nod. He holds up to bag looking items and sighs, "Look, I don't really want to do this, but we have to scare your people into giving us the guns. So stand up please and let us take you to the roof."

I look at Glenn, panicking a little. He notices and grabs my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Lets just do it, so we can get back to camp." He says, I sigh and nod my head, following the man. I notice Glenn was still holding on to my hand, and for some reason, I didn't mind.

As soon as we were up the stairs, bags were thrown over our heads and we were put into tight grips.

I hold my breath, scared to breath cause I was being held so tight.

"We want our people, a Korean boy and a blonde girl. In trade we will give you your boy back." Rick says below us. Bags are thrown off of our heads, and the small group looks at us from below.

"Two people for one? No deal." A man says from down where Rick was. I feel a sharp object, placed against my jawline. I lift my face, and move my head, trying to get it away from me.

"I say we give them the Korean, and keep her." The man with the knife says to his group. They all laugh and nod.

I hear Glenn beside me, struggling to get closer to me.

"Don't! Don't touch her, don't touch them!" Rick yells.

The knife is removed from my jawline, and the bag is on my head again. I feel a slight sting in my jaw-line, figuring that the man scratched the surface.

When we make it back to that room, the man from before appears, and looks at us sighing.

"Sorry it had to go down like that." He says, scratching the back of his neck. He glances as me and his eyes widen,

"Shit, he actually got you, ill get something to clean that up ma'm." He says, I touch the cut, and notice blood on my finger frowning slightly.

"Well shit." I say, looking up at Glenn, who has a concerned look. He walks over and grabs my face lightly with his hand, tilting my face.

"It wont need stitches, just a scratch, but a good one." He says calmly. I notice a frown on his face. I nod my head, as he lets go of my face.

We sit down, waiting impatiently to get let out. Moments after sitting, the man comes back in with something to clean and cover my cut.

I send him a small smile as he sat in front of me, cleaning and covering the cut.

"Hopefully your people just hand over the guns, and our boy. Thats when you both can go home." He says. I nod my head lightly.

He stands up, and opens the door,

"You guys can go walk around if you'd like." He offers, I look at Glenn and he nods his head

"Lets go see where the hell we've been held up." I say, laughing lightly.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now