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I look down at the field in the watch tower. No one was on watch, so I decided it was better to do it even if we didn't need it.

Nichole was saddling up a horse, while Carl, Rick and Emma farmed. Emma didn't really farm, she just stood or sat there. Glenn thought she was trying to learn something, but I knew she was just there for Carl.

I watched as Carl and Emma ran over to open the gates. Michonne stopping at Carl for a moment, before slowly leaving.

"I'll be back by sun down today!" She yelled back to him, and began to ride away. I smiled slightly, knowing she had began spending less and less time out of the prison.

"Be safe!" Rick yelled to her, sending her a wave. I glanced between the two of them, smiling at the two. They didn't know I was there, somehow.

"I SHIP IT!!" I yell out, causing the two to turn their heads to me. Rick glanced at Michonne then Carl and Emma.

"ME TOO!" Emma yelled back, only to earn a slight shove in the shoulder from Carl. They laugh and Michonne continues to leave.

Everything is calm for a moment, like is should be. Usually it was calm around the prison now. People had their jobs, and people did them. No one fought, unless it was something stupid.

The quietness was ruined when someone started to scream. Lizzie and Mika, two sisters we had taken in a few months ago with their father had ran out. The two were yelling for help, screaming about the dead. I grabbed the gun that was strapped around my back and held it up.

"Carl! Emma! Get to Kalee!" Rick yelled, and the kids began to run over. They stopped and turned when the sound of hooves had made their way into the screaming mess.

"Emma! Carl! Open the gate for Michonne!" I yell, pointing to the gate. They turn on their feet and make their way over to where I pointed. I looked over at the prison, worry washing over me.

"Glenn Rhee, you better be fucking okay." I whisper to myself, making my way down the stairs. I quickly hopped out the door, only to see Carl holding a gun through the gate. Emma was trying to open the gate as Michonne was being pushed back by a walker.

I begin to run faster to the gate, only to see Michonne get pushed to the ground by the walker.

"Michonne!" I yell out, as Carl begins to shoot walkers, causing more walkers to notice her. She lets out a scream, as she falls onto one of the spikes we set up for the walkers. I cringe slightly, feeling the pain myself.

Helping Emma open the gate, I Quickly help Michonne up. Emma holds the gate open as Carl grabs the horse, shooting walkers close to us.

"That just attracted walkers 8 miles a fucking round!" I yell slightly, but knew it was the right thing to do.

I wrap my arm around Michonne's waist, helping her walk. She leans on me for help, as we slowly make our way up the hill.

"Rick!" I yell out, as he walks out of the cell block. He looks around, then makes eye contact with me. He quickly comes over, and pulls Carl into a quick hug.

"Walkers in D, lot died. For now people in D get moved to top floor C with us, sense it's just you and Glenn up there." Rick says, I nod my head and look around for a moment.

"Where's Glenn? Kendall?" I question, he nods his head, reassuring that they were okay.

"Glenn is helping to clean up, Kendall is getting people in their cells and helping elderly get to wash rooms." He says to me, and I nod my head.

"There gonna be a walker pile up at the gate, had to shoot off some rounds to save Michonne. We can handle this though." I say to him, as Michonne shifts slightly. Rick looks at her, scanning his way to her thigh.

"Spike went through, no bites or scratches." She says to him, he nods his head and runs a hand through his hair.

"Carl, Emma, you guys go back to the garden, Kalee come with me to find help me figure out how this happened. I'll help you get Michonne to Hershel first." He says to me, but I shake my head.

"Go, i'll catch up to you I can bring her myself. We need to start looking right away." I tell him, instead of fighting back he just nods.

"Okay, okay." He says, turning and heading back to the Cell Block D door. Michonne and I make our way to Hershel. After I drop her off I make my way to D. When I enter, I step back slightly, shocked.

"Holy fuck." I whisper, looking around at the blood. Bodies were everywhere, along with blood.

"Kalee, come up here." Rick calls from the top floor. I make my way over, stepping over bodies. As I walk up, I see Daryl and Rick looking at something on the ground in a cell. I look over, only to see Patrick on the ground.

"I think he was the one who started this, no bites, looks like his face is covered in blood though." Rick says to me, kneeling next to the dead boy. I nod my head, looking at his face.

"Choked on his own blood?" I question, Daryl looks at me and nods.

"Possibility, looks as if his nose was bleeding, and his eyes." Daryl says, pointing down at Patrick's face. I nod my head and look down the hall, then down below. Carol walked Lizzie and Mika out of a cell, the two girls sobbing. They were clutching Carlo's side, who just had a straight face.

"Come on girls." I heard her whisper, walking them out of the cell block.

"How many do you think we lost?" I ask, turning back to Rick. He shakes his head, as if he didn't want to know.

"Glenn left a few minutes before you came to go look for you, you should go find him." Daryl says, I nod my head and walk out. Maggie and Beth were talking to some of the kids in Cell Block C as I walked in.

"Hey Mag, have you seen Glenn?" I ask, she turns to me, nodding her head. I could feel the annoyance when I call her Mag, it had became her nickname to me.

"Ya Kale, he just went to the garden to ask Carl and Emma. Might be able to catch him." She says, smirking slightly at the use of my nickname from her. I nod my head and quickly run out, only to come face to face with the Korean boy.

"Thank god your okay." He says, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now