thirty two

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We all froze in our spot. The guy that tried to kill some of our people, the guy that threatened the women here, the prison, is missing. My mouth hung open slightly, before I quickly grabbed my gun from is holster, putting a bullet in the chamber. Everyone turns to face me but quickly turns back to T-Dog.

We run out of the house quickly, running to the barn. T-Dog swung the doors open to see nothing. The hand cuffs that were once attached to Randall were empty.

"Hand cuffs are still locked?" Carol says, looking at us confused.

"Must have slipped them." Andrea says, worry showing through her voice.

"Can someone really do that?" Maggie questions, and Rick nods his head, rubbing the back of his neck.

"When you got nothing to loose you can."

Shane suddenly busts through the woods line, screaming and yelling.


"Brother!?" Rick questions, Shane walked up to us, his face puffy and bloody. Something didn't seem right.

"He's out there, armed. Came up behind me, clocked me in the face!" He yells out. I furrow my eyebrows and look at Glenn. He looks convinced of the situation, but I was sorta confused.

"T-Dog, Hershel, you guys get everyone back at the house, lock the doors. Daryl, Glenn, Kalee, you guys are the best shots here you come." Rick says to us, turning briefly then going back to Shane. I nod my head, not bothering to ask questions, I just wanted to find Randall.

Shane continued to blabber on about how he was blacked out, and wasn't paying attention, that's how Randall got him.

"You see any tracks?" Rick questions, I look on the ground myself, trying to find something, anything.

"Hey, look, there ain't no use in tracking him, okay? He went that way. We need to pair up. We spread out, we just chase him down. That's it." Shane says, I look at him confused. To me it felt like he was hiding something. He looks at me from the corner of his eyes, giving me a side death stare.

"Kid weighs a buck-25 soaking wet. You trying to tell us he got the jump on you?" I say to him, making everyone turn and nod. Shane cracks him neck and stares at me,

"I say a rock pretty much evens the odds, how about you?"

I roll my eyes and continue to walk, until Shane stops us when it starts to get dark.

"Lets split up, Rick and I will go the other way, seeing maybe if he did a U turn." Shane says, before glancing at Rick and turning around. We continue to walk, till Daryl suddenly stops.

"Here's two sets of tracks right here. Shane must've followed him a lot longer than he said." He says, referring to when Shane was explaining the situation to us. Glenn and I nod, and continue to follow Daryl. "Something went down right here, right before this though they were walking next to each other." He says to us, trailing off.

We pause where Daryl said something went down, and look around to see any clues of what happened.

"Doesn't look like a rock was the cause of Shane's face." I say, as I stop in front of a blood covered tree. They walk over and Daryl gets close to it, inspecting it.

"This is what hit his face, no rock was involved." Daryl says, scrunching up his face. Something in the woods in front of us moves, and we all look to what it was.

We hold our guns at the direction it came from. A walker stumbles out from behind a tree and we lower our guns, drawing out our knives. As I grab my knife the walker gets closer to me, forcing me to push it away. An arrow flies next to me, hitting the walker in the chest, it then moves to the side, landing on top of Daryl. He falls to the ground from the suddenness of weight change, the walker landing on top of him.

Glenn quickly stabs the walker, grabbing it off of Daryl. Daryl nods at him and looks down at the walker, a shock look on his face.

"Wha-" I go to ask, but I look down and see it as well, Randall. I look over his body from where I was, looking at his shown skin and clothing, only to see no blood.

"Was he even bit?" Glenn asks, noticing the same as me. I continue to stare down at the asshole who laid at my feet.

"Nah, his neck was broke." Daryl observes, touching the dead boys neck. Glenn and I look at each other confused.

"Maybe a scratch somewhere?" I ask as Daryl lifts his shirt, then flips the kid over.

"No where that I can tell, just his neck snapped." Daryl says, looking up at Glenn and I from where he was crouched. My eyebrows furrow as we look at each other,

"Lets just head back, check up with Shane and Rick." Daryl says and we nod agreeing with him. As we head back, a gun shot fills the air. We all look at each other confused,

"What was that?" Glenn questions, the worry coming through his voice. I grabbed onto his hand, trying to calm him down. He looked at me then back to Daryl, hoping he would have an idea.

"Lets head back. Come on." Daryl said, and rushed out in front of us. We followed quickly, making our way to inside the house.


Carl and I made our way into the field. We had saw Shane and Rick in the window of the house make their way out here. As we walked up, Rick was on top of Shane, stabbing a knife into his stomach.

I stop dead in my tracks slightly horrified. Our leader had just killed his best friend. Carl stood next to me, his mouth hung open until I nudged him. He looked at me, tears brimming his eyes and I grabbed his hand. Carl turned away from me to face his father,

"Dad?" He questioned, Rick looked up and saw us. His eyes widened and he stood up from Shane's body. Rick started to walk over to us and from behind him Shane started to move. Carl noticed as well and grabbed his gun. We both held our guns up, not saying a word, causing Rick to stop in his tracks.

"Carl, Emma, don't do this." He says. I shake my head as the walker Shane stands up. Carl and I continue to hold our guns on the now walker Shane, who began to make his way to Rick.

"I had to-" Rick went to say but Carl and I fired our guns, hitting the walker Shane. Rick quickly turned around and noticed, looking back he saw that Carl had tears in his eyes.

"What happened?" Carl croaked out.


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Season 2 is about to be finished in this already damn.

I'm doing that 8 month time skip like they did in the show by the way, cause it just seems boring.



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