twenty seven

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"Looks like your dad found an old friend." Kendall says, everyone had begun to look for clues where Hershel had gone. Maggie, Kendall,Rick and I were in his bedroom. She pulled out an empty flask, and tossed it to Maggie. Maggie looked down slightly confused,

"Didn't see your father as a drinker." Rick says, looking at the flask that was in Maggie's hands. She shook her head, looking at us.

"He stopped the day I was born. Didnt even allow alcohol in the house." She tells us. I nod my head and look at Kendall, who was looking at the piles of women clothes on the dresser. "Those are my step moms..." She says to us, referring to the clothes. She looks down sadly, "He was so sure that she would come back, and they would go back to their normal life." She adds, looking back up at us. She placed the flask on the burrow the the clothes were on, and started to put them away.

We took this as a sign to leave, and headed downstairs to meet with everyone else. We tell everyone the news and they all look at each other confused,

"Where is the nearest bar?" T-Dog says, breaking the confused silence. I think for a moment, before Maggie tells before I do.

"Eddies, he used to go there all the time on his drinking days." She tells the group. She glanced up stairs to where Beth was then back at us. "Look we need to get my dad back soon. He is the only one who knows how to take care of Beth." She says to us. I look at Glenn who was across the room. He stares at me, until he realizes I had caught him. I smirk slightly, and look away, paying my attention back to Rick.

"Draw us a map, ill go get him." Rick says, everyone nods agreeing with him.

"Your not going alone." Lori says from across the room. I look at the pregnant women, who stares at her husband. She shakes her head and looks around, "You have to take someone else with you, just in case something goes wrong." She says to him. He nods his head and looks around.

Glenn's hand pops up, causing Rick to look at him,

"I'll go? I've gone by the place before." He says to Rick, glancing at me. My jaw tightens as I look at him, clearly mad. He sends me an apologetic look, but I know he is going for the greater good. I nod my head and look at Rick who was also nodding his head.

"Lets leave now, so we can get back before sun down." He says, checking his holster for his gun and walking out of the farm house. I follow behind everyone, and see Glenn a few feet away from the cars. He catches eye contact with me as I jog up to him, stopping in front of him. He looks at me smiles,

"I'll be back." He says to me, and gives me a quick kiss, turning on his feet. My chest pumps and I l look at him about to leave,

"Glenn, wait." I say, speed walking up to him to catch him where he was. He turns around, a confused look on his face. "I love you." I blurt out, looking at him. His eyes widen and mouth opens slightly.

"I'll see you when i'm back." he says quickly, rushing away from me. My heart stops for a moment as he says that. I swallow a hard lump in my throat and put my feelings behind me. I turn back to the farm house, and go to check on Maggie and Beth. 

As I enter the room, I see Maggie sitting on a chair next to Beth's bed. An empty chair next to her, I silently slide into the room, and sit down, smiling slightly and Maggie. I look at Beth and smile, putting my hand on hers,

"Hey hun, it will be alright, you can pull through this." I say to Beth, who just stares off into the distance. I smile slightly again at Beth, letting go of her hand. We sit in silence for awhile, until I hear Maggie slightly chuckle to herself. "What?" I ask laughing a little, looking at her. She shakes her head while smiling,

"Just a little memory." She says to me, a smile on her lips. I smile back and look at Beth than her again,

"Tell me about it." I say shrugging, we had nothing better to do at the moment,

  "My first summer back from college, I drove home, dumped my stuff off, went straight out to the stable for a ride. My family comes back from church and Beth grabs my things and starts unpacking my stuff upstairs." She says to me, I smile at what she says,

"That's so cute." I say, looking at Beth, and seeing she had moved her eyes around a little. Maggie nods her and shrugs a little while chuckling,

"Yeah, until this one here starts rifling through my backpack. She finds this little plastic container with these pink and green candies inside. She didn't even know I was on the pill. She was so freaked out by the idea of me, and boys and sex, she runs outside and Chucks them in the duck pond. And I ride up, I see this, I'm screaming."  She says, rubbing Beth's leg before continuing, "She's crying and Shawn runs outside, thinks one of us is drowning. Soon as he figures out what's going on, the jerk busts out laughing so loud that my horse rears up and gets mud all over the three of us. My dad comes out, 'what the heck's goin' on out here?' And she turns around, bats her eyelids and says, 'we're just swimming, daddy.' " She says to me, looking at me then Beth again. "In her Sunday dress, all covered in snot and mud." She laughs lightly at the memory.

I smile at her then Beth, standing up. "I'm going to go make us three some sandwiches, what do you prefer?" I say, and Maggie smiles at me, before telling me what she would like and Beth.


Carl and I sat at Sophia's grave. Everyone had shown up at the funeral before the Hershel thing. Well everyone but Kalee and Maggie, who were dealing with something in the house. I looked down at the grave, a frown creeping onto my lips as a tear fell down my cheek.

"Hey." Carl said next to me, looking at me concerted. I give him a small smile, trying to let him know i'm okay. He wraps his arms around me, and I let my head rest onto his shoulder. His thumb rubs against my shoulder and he rests his head on mine.

"Shes in a better place. She is no longer suffering." He says to me, kissing the top of my head.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu