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" It won't work." Rick says, looking between Glenn and I. Daryl shakes his head, not accepting the fact that we didn't want Merle coming back with us.

"It's gotta." Daryl says to him. Ricks face twist as he says this, turning his neck.

"He'll stir things up." Rick calmly says to him. Daryl shakes his head, looking at Rick still.

"Look, the Governor is probably on the way to the prison right now. Merle knows how he thinks and we could use the muscle." Daryl protest, trying his best to get him to stay. He glanced at the unconscious Merle, knocked out minutes before by Rick.

"I'm sorry Daryl, but I don't want him there either." I say, he turns to me with a sour look. He goes to talk but Glenn interrupts him.

"He had a gun to our heads. Do you really want him sleeping in the same cell block as Carol or Beth?" He says to Daryl. Daryl takes a deep breath, getting more pissed at these words.

"He ain't a rapist!" He yells at Glenn, Glenn shakes his head, then glances at me.

"Yea, but his buddy is." He says, causing Rick and Daryl to look at me for a moment. "He brought her to a man that terrorized her! Embarrassed her, did something to her that shouldn't have happened again." Rick and Daryl look back at me, as if they knew what happened. Daryl shakes his head,

"They ain't buddies no more. Not after last night." Daryl says, still trying to convince. The pleading in his voice about having him stay is clearly heard.

"There's no way Merle's gonna live there without putting everyone at each other's throats." I say. causing everyone to glance at me.

"So you're gonna cut Merle loose and bring the last samurai home with us?" Daryl questions. We glance at Michonne, who was leaning against the car around 30 feet from us.

"No, she will be gone today." Rick says, I shake my head at him.

"She got shot, let her heal a little. Plus she helped save Glenn and I's asses." I say, Glenn nods agreeing."

"We don't know who she is. But Merle, Merle's blood." Daryl says, glancing around all of us. Glenn shakes his head, then points at me.

"No, Merle is your blood. My blood, my family is standing right here and waiting for us back at the prison." Glenn says to him. Daryl looks at him, slight hurt going across his face.

"And you're part of that family. But he's not. He's not." Rick says. Daryl looks down, then back at Merle, then us.

"Fine, then we'll fend for our selves." Daryl says. My eyes widen as he says this, and I shake my head.

"Are you crazy?" I ask him. He looks at me and shrugs.

"Blood is blood." He says, as Merle slowly wakes up.

"You serious? You're just gonna leave like that?" Glenn asks, earning a shrug from him. We look at him as if he was crazy, as he heads to the back of the truck. Opening it, he grabs his stuff and looks at Rick.

"Take care of your boy now, and lil ass kicker." He says to him, then glancing at me and Glenn. He gives us a nod, which we return.

"What about Carol?" Rick asks him, Daryl stops for a moment, turning his head over to him.

"She'll understand." He says simply, before walking off into the woods to Merle. We watch as they leave, slightly disappointing he had left us.

"Lets head back, everyone is probably worried." Rick mumbles, heading into the car. Michonne gets into the passenger, leaving Glenn and I in the back. We look at each other and he grabs my hand, entangling our fingers.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles to me, rubbing his thumb across my hand.


Rick, Daryl, Oscar and the new girl had left to go get Kalee and Glenn back. The girl had came with a basket full of formula, and a shot wound in her leg, telling us where she got it. She said that 'blonde girl and an Asian boy got captured.' When I heard this, Kendall and I glanced at each other. We knew then that we had to go and get her and Glenn back.

Rick started picking people to go, wanting some of us to stay back. Kendall and I walked up to him, ready to ask, no tell him that we were going.

"She helped us, helped protect our asses for weeks. We have to help get her back." Rick shook his head,

"You have to stay back-" He says but I cut him off.

"Why Rick, why do we have to stay back?" I ask, he looks at me, then glanced to the side of him. I looked to see what it was and noticed it was Carl.

"You have to stay here with him, and Kendall you have to take care of Judith for me." Carl had decided that name for her, after his 3rd grade teacher. I sighed, knowing that he was right. If I went, then Carl would too. No one would be here to protect the prison then, just in case The Governor came to attack.

"Thank you." He says to me, before turning off quickly. They all had planned on leaving quickly so they could get back. I watched as Rick and Daryl grabbed a few smoke bombs. Oscar grabbing a few machine guns. I sighed and walked away, hearing foot steps follow me into the cell block.

"Hey." Carl says, grabbing onto my hand. "She'll be okay." He says. I nod my had, hoping he was right. He pulls me closer, slightly grabbing my face to kiss me.

A few hours had gone by since Rick and others had left. We all started to grow worry, even more than before. We knew there was a chance they weren't going to come back, but it was really hitting us now.

Suddenly we hear a scream from the prison, we all look at each other confused.

"Carol?!" I ask franticly, noticing she was the only one not here. Hershel shook his head,

"She's in the watch tower, that was from the tombs." Hershel says. Carl and I glance at each other, already knowing what we had to do. We grab our guns, and stand up, Hershel looking at us confused.

"We need to go check it out." Carl says, cocking his gun and walks out. He tosses the keys to the cell block to Hershel.

"We'll be back soon, don't worry." I say, before turning out and holding my gun up.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now