twenty nine

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We sat in the living room of the Greene house, waiting for Daryl to come back from the barn. While I was on watch that night, Beth had ended up attempting suicide. Andrea was no longer allowed near Beth, and could only come into the house for dinner and meetings. She had been the one that tried to get Beth to kill herself, telling her that if she wanted to go that it was her choice.

The boy, Randall that had been brought back was trouble. Him and his group were shooting at Rick, Hershel and Glenn. The only reason they brought him back was because his group left him and he got a metal pole stuck through his leg.

Daryl walked in with bloody knuckles, and looked at the group.

"Boy there's got a gang, 30 men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna... they're gonna wish they were." He says to us, glancing around people.

I shift on my feet as he says this, understanding what he meant. I watch as Dale shakes his head in the corner

"So, we sentence him to death?" Dale says. I look at him confused, why was he fighting this? I stare at the old man as he looks among the crowd, "We kill him for something that might not even happen?" He adds.

Rick shakes his head, causing everyone to look at us. "We cant have him around us, he is dangerous." Rick tells him.

"So you kill him?"

"Cant we just tie him up? Have him work around the farm?" Maggie questions.

"Yea, slavery sounds pretty nice." Andrea says scoffing.

"Hes a stranger, why are we even talking about this?" Kendall questions.

"This is a young mans life here people!" Dale shouts. He sighs and looks at Rick, "Give me till the end of today, I want time to talk to people." Dale says, and walks out of the room, stopping at Daryl. "You're right, this grop is broken." He says to him, before continuing to walk out.

Everyone made their way out of the house. As I exited, I headed to my tent. I planned on going into a run into town, just to grab some extra things we may need. Winter was coming and Lori was pregnant, meaning we would need as much supplies as we could get. As I exit the tent from grabbing an extra knife, placing it in my boot, a body stops in front of me.

"We need to talk." Glenn says. I look at him, and my heart skips a beat, nodding my head. "When we were in town, we were getting shot at," He begun. My eyes narrow at him, not exactly surprised that they were being shot at. I nod my head waiting for him to continue, "Rick, and Hershel had asked me to make a run for the car, that they would watch my back. I went to do it but a bullet went right by my head." He says to me. I tense at the thought of him almost dying, that he was even close to it. "I thought of you, and what you said. I just sat there and hid, like a coward." He tells me, looking up from the grass. I look at him slightly confused, "Its because of what you said-"

"That I love you?" I interrupt, he nods his head,

"You didn't mean it, I mean why would you?" He begins to ramble but I stop him by placing my lips on his. He takes a moment but kisses me back. At that time I forget that he never said it back, and he didn't for the rest of that day. We had gone into the tent after that moment, and I didn't bother going on that supply run.

Hours later, I woke up with a blanket wrapped around my unclothed body. I sigh and turn next to me, to see that the spot was empty. Glenn had been sleeping before me, after our little session. I run my fingers through my hair, and get dressed. As I exit the tent, I notice everyone heading into the house. I figure it was for the meeting about Randall, and head in, looking at everyone. Daryl smirks at me, as I walk in. I look at him confused, he touches the side of his neck and I understand what he means.

Quickly,fI pull my hair in front of my ear, covering the hickey as much as I could. He holds back a small laugh, and Glenn walks over, looking at me confused.

"Just something you left earlier." I say in his ear, and he chuckles slightly nodding his head. He wraps his arm around my waist, holding me close.

"This is the last meeting we will have about Randall. If death is chosen, we will do it tonight." Rick says to us. Everyone nods their head,

"So do we just vote on it?" Andrea asks, we all shrug and look around,

"Well, let's... let's just see where everybody stands, then we can talk through the options." Rick says, and everyone agrees.

"He is another mouth to feed." Kendall says bluntly. I nod my head agreeing with her, and hear Dale scoff,

"We let you, Emma and Kalee in without thinking twice." Dale says, Rick looks at him confused,

"I was there too, and there was a lot of thinking twice. Merle literally knocked Kalee out with his gun just to stop her from standing up to him. Something else happened, but that wont matter, it had for a reason and its the reason that those three girls are still here, at least two of them." Rick rants, looking at Emma when he slightly brings up Cassidy. I nod my head thanking Rick.

"We cant keep him around, he is dangerous." I say, Glenn grabs my hand and lightly squeezes it. I squeeze his hand back as Dale fights against me,

"What is so dangerous about him!?" He yells, Shane sighs and looks at him,

"What if we let him go, to live like one of us. He is good for awhile, we start to trust him. He comes back and gets his 30 men and kills the men here, and do whatever the hell they want with the girls." Shane says, he glances around the room.  

My heart drops when he says that, remembering what Daryl said what the group does. Glenn holds me tighter and Rick sighs.

"Well, if people believe we should spare him, I wanna know." Rick says looking around the room.

"Well, I can tell you it's a small group... maybe just me and Glenn" Dale says. I turn to look at him, slightly mad that he would want that guy around. Glenn knew what I had gone through, and for a chance that could happen again he was willing to keep this kid alive? He looks at me and shakes his head, turning to face Dale.

"Look, I... I think you're pretty much right about everything, all the time, but this..." Glenn stutters, I let out a breath of air I was holding. Glenn looks at me again and shakes his head, "I don't want to take the chance of that happening. Especially for the girls, they don't need to go through that, some of them don't need to go through that again." Emma and I look down at his words.

We were still thankful that there was one good guy there, and that he had claimed Kendall. I look up at him and give him a small, thankful smile. He nods his head, and looks back at Dale who was shocked.

"They got you scared!" Dale shouts, I stare at the old man. He realizes he is defeated and shakes his head. "Want to know what, do what you want with him. See if I care." He says before storming out, going to the RV.

The group looks down, slightly disappointed in themselves. They knew killing him was the right thing to do, but it was also so uncivilized of them. At this point, there really was no hope of civilization.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now