twenty three

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The next day Emma was up and walking, with Carl's help. Shane had continued to keep people on watch of the barn, which caused Hershel to be slightly annoyed.  Rick had made the plan early this morning that around noon today everyone that wanted to, could go out and do gun training.

"Everyone that plans on going, meet here around noon." He said to everyone. Around noon most of the group showed up, along with a few people from Hershel's group. "Hershel said he wanted you guys to not handle a weapon." He told the people who came, which concluded of Patrica, Beth, Maggie and Jimmy. Jimmy stepped forward, taking charge of the small group.

"Hershel said it was alright. As long as someone is there to teach us." He told Rick, who looked at the farm house then back at Jimmy and others. "He said it was alright. That we had to learn to protect ourselves." He added. Rick shook his head before slowly walking off to the house,

"I'm going to ask Hershel myself." He said to them, they all nodded understanding. I sighed and looked around, noticing all the people that would be doing the training. Most people hadever shot a gun, or killed a walker before. Some of them had some knowledge, but still barley knew anything except how to load, aim and pull the trigger.

Emma and Carl stood next to each other across from me. She leaned on him for support, but was mostly holding herself up. I walk over to the two of them, asking a question.

"You guys gun training today?" Emma looks at Carl and nods slowly, before turning back to me. I narrow my eyes at her, "You just got out of bed after a surgery, why not wait a few days?" She sighs and shakes her head at me,

"I'm fine, I can handle myself." She says and I look at her annoyed,

"You cant even stand yourself up straight, Carl is holding you up." I say, gesturing how his hand is around her waist, holding her. She looks down and pulls herself away from him, standing up straight.

"I just like having his arm around me." She says bluntly, and pushing herself back into him. He chuckles a little before putting his arm lightly around her waist again. I roll my eyes and smirk at the two, before nodding my head.

"Don't shoot yourself, or get shot?" I say smiling, but being half serious. Emma shakes her head and smiles at Carl, before I walk away. Rick comes back from talking with Hershel, nodding at Jimmy.

"You guys are welcome to come, find a car you'll be able to hop into, we are leaving in an hour." He says to them, and turning to the rest of us while finishing. "If you have a gun, bring it. For people that will be teaching its Shane, Daryl, Kalee and I." He says glancing at me. I nod my head, thanking him for knowing I know how to use a weapon properly.

For the next hour, I aimlessly walk around the farm yard, glancing at the barn every time I got close. Andrea was on watch of it, sitting in front of it, handling a knife in her hand. Within the past few weeks, her and Shane had been getting close, reminding me of Lori. 'Or is it Shane's?', I wonder to myself about her child that she is carrying. I look around trying to spot her, meaning to ask her if she had told Rick yet. As I spot her, she spots me. I quickly walk over, her mouth hung slightly open and I wait for her to speak.

"I haven't told him yet." She says to me, already answering my question without me asking. I sigh and look at her annoyed,

"Either your going to tell that boy today, or I will. I'm done fucking around. You will need supply's', stuff that's hard to find on your own. Glenn and I wont always be able to be your errand boys." I rant to her, making large arm gestures. She nods her head, looking at Rick to the right of us,

"I'll tell him today." She says sighing, and walking away from me without any other words. I shake my head in annoyance at the women, confused on how she could be so immature.

"You ready to go?" Glenn asks from behind me, I jump slightly at him suddenly being behind me. I nod my head following him. "Whats wrong?" He asks me, I look at him and shake my head. "You look pissed." He adds. I shrug and look at Lori who was going into her tent.

"Lori hasn't told Rick. I snapped at her telling her someone else is going to have to start getting supply's for her cause we aren't her errand boys." I say to him, looking him in the eyes. He sighs and nods his head,

"Your right." He tells me, I give him a small smile before I continue to head to the car that we were going to be driving to the range.

"Where are we even going to be going? Its not safe to be letting off rounds right next to the house, this isn't like the mountains where it echos." I say to no one in particular. T-Dog looks up from where he was leaning on a car,

"I walk thinking a few acres down that way." He says, pointing down the large farm land, away from the house. I nod my head agreeing with him before grabbing my gun out of its holster. Checking to make sure there are bullets, I notice everyone finally making their way over. Kendall walks up last, looking between the cars, only to go and be with Rick, Shane, Carl and Emma. Glenn and I take Carol's Cherokee, along with T-Dog, Jimmy and Beth.

"Just follow Rick, even though he probably doesn't know where he is going." I say, mumbling that last part. Even though Rick had always allowed me to have my gun, I still wasn't fond of him. I never trusted the police, and I sure wont after the dead rise either after I saw them kill innocent people. Glenn nods, and drives slowly behind the line of cars. "Isn't this wasting gas? Using this many cars? I'm sure we could pile a ton of people in side of 2." I say to the group inside my car. T-Dog chuckles and nods his head,

"You would think." He says to me. I look at him and chuckle myself, Jimmy and Beth look at each other as if debating to make a sound.

"You guys are allowed to talk you know, I don bite. Maybe T-Dog does though? He can be weird sometimes." I say jokingly, trying to break the awkward silence between the two groups. They smile and nod their heads laughing at my joke. The car comes to a sudden stop and I look at Glenn to see why.

"God your a sucky driver." I say, noticing that we were just coming to a stop. He rolls his eyes,

"Not with the sports car though, I was amazing then."

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now