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/3rd person/

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

/3rd person/

An hour after the combined groups made an agreement on how to leave, the volunteered members got ready.

"Walkers? Is that what you call em' ?" The golden haired girl asked the ex-sheriff.  He looked at her and nodded,

"Dont remember how I came up with it." He says. She nods her head and looks around.

The Mexican man, and the Black man had gone to bring in some 'walkers', so they could put their guts on their bodies.

The golden hair girl was approached by the short, dirty blonde. She extended her arm out, giving a white lab coat piece of clothing to her.

"So you don't ruin your shirt." She says smiling weakly. The golden girl smiled weakly back, and began to put the lab coat on.


"Got the bodies y'all." T-Dog, the Black man announces. Glenn, Rick, and I walk over to him and the Mexican man, Morales.

I grab my knife from its holster on my leg, and raise it to cut the inside of one of the walkers.

"Wait."Rick says, I hold my knife in place and look at him confused. He bends down and looks through the mans pockets, pulling out a wallet.

"Warren D. Age 47. Has a picture of himself and a pretty girl. Died with $47. When I find my family, ill be sure to tell them about Warren." He announces. I roll my eyes and look at the body,

"He was also an organ donor." I say, mostly to myself, as I cut open Warren's stomach. I hear a slight chuckle from T-Dog at my comment. "Alright people, lather us in guts."

Glenn stands next to me, shaking slightly. I look over at him and furrow my eyebrows,

"You'll make it out alive, or is it the guts your worried about?" I ask him, he looks at me and shakes his head,

"Not scared of dying, or the guts. Just never thought I would be getting guts put on me." He says. I look at him, nodding my head in agreement.

"Were on the same boat man."

The blonde who shoved a gun in my face, who I learned name is Andrea, gags. I look at her and notice she is holding the stomach.

"Damn, science class to the next level, am I right?" I say, trying to break the awkwardness in the air.

"Never thought I could hold a mans intestines." Emma says, looking at the organ in her hand. She drops it and walks over to me, spreading the blood across the white lab coat. Kendall picks up the intestine, and drapes it over my shoulders.

"New style trend." She says after breaking a small smile. The smell fills my nose and I gag. I look over and see Rick and Glenn doing the same thing.

"Just think of Puppies and Kittens." The black women, Jacqui says to us, smiling when her eyes met mine. I start to smile back, but my nose is filled with an ever worse smell and I throw up to the left of me when T-Dog starts to talk.

"Ya, dead Puppies and Kittens."

Andrea turns to him and frowns, "Now thats just mean." She says. He shrugs his shoulders in responds.


After walker guts and blood are covering our bodies, we are forced out the back door,

"Do we like put our arms out and groan?" Glenn asks, and I debate on if he is serious or not. Rick looks at me, as if he is questioning the same thing. "Im guessing no." He says, slight sadness coming through his voice. I laugh lightly and put a hand on his shoulder. He smiles a little and starts to walk slowly.

"Dont speak, and dont do anything to attract attention to ourselves." Rick says to us, Glenn and I nod ad start to walk.

Turning the corner out of the alley, my breath hitches in my throat. My eyes scatter around to see walkers on top of walkers.

"Lets go" Rick whispers, going ahead of us. Glenn looks at me and nods, going after Rick. I hold onto my knife tightly, my breath coming out shakily.

After multiple walkers coming close to us and smelling us, we were almost at the gates. That was until it started to rain. I look up, the rain drenching my face. I look down, noticing the blood coming off of my lab coat.

My eyes fill with worry, meeting Glenn and Ricks worried eyes.

"Move! Come on!" Rick yells, stabbing a walker, that came close to biting him. I stab a walker quickly, shaking lightly. "Run for the gate!" Rick yells again, over the groans.

We all make a run for the gate, climbing over and down the other side.

"Rick, you go check what truck has the keys, Glenn and I will find a distraction car!" I yell to him, he nods and heads to the trucks, while Glenn and I run around looking for a car.

We come across a sports car, smiling brightly I push Glenn to the drivers side. We both strip the bloody lab coats off our bodies before getting in. As he opens the car door, the alarms start going off,

"Perfect! We can use this to draw the walkers away from the front doors!" I shout over the alarm, his smile is large and as soon as we get in, he starts the car.

Glenn speeds down the cities road, meeting with the walker hoard out front of the continence store.

"Go slow, let them catch up a lil and when it gets crowded just go over them." I say to Glenn, his smile doesn't drop as he franticly nods his head.

Glenn and I scream happily, while soaring down the highway. His head and my head out the window. We catch up and see the white truck, holding our groups. We speed by them, yelling once again, I look over and see Rick laughing at us.

Glenn swerves up the mountain, he tells me his camp is at a quarry, and I nod.

As we show up, multiple people crowd the car, a blonde girl yelling questions about her sister, and other people asking where everyone is and who am I.

As soon as the alarm is shut off, a gun, once again is pushed into my face.

"Get down, someone check her for weapons." A man with a baseball cap says to the group. I look at him and swat the gun out of my face,

"I just saved your peoples asses back in Atlanta with Glenn, calm down asshole." I say as the white truck full of people shows up. I look behind me at them, seeing Emma and Kendall come out and give me a high five.

"That was fucking awesome!" Kendall says, Emma nods her head smiling,

"Didn't expect you to make it put, but damn that was fucking cool." She says. I notice Morales talking to the group, and calls Rick to come out.

As he comes out, he had his face towards the ground. I look around and see a young boy, a little younger than Emma, start to cry. As he turns his head to face Rick, he smiles,

"Dad!!" He yells, his mother who was in front of the boy, notices Rick, and starts to run to him herself.

Standing off to the side with Glenn, Kendall, and Emma, we watch the family be reunited.

"Well shit, that happened." I say, earning a chuckle from Glenn.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن