twenty eight

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It was later that night, hours after Glenn and Rick had left. I started to get worried because they hadn't came back yet. I sat in the living room, having noting to do. It was already dark out, and at this time Dale was on watch.

"Dinner is ready." Patrica says, as Dale walks into the house, Emma and Carl following. I look around at the table, feeling as if someone was missing. Maggie and stayed upstairs to keep watch on Beth, who was having suicidal thoughts. I continued to look around until Shane figured out someone was missing as well.

"Wheres Lori?" He asked. I looked at everyone, and noticed Daryl in the corner rolling his eyes,

"She must have gone herself." He says to us, we look at him confused, waiting for him to continue. " She wanted me to go out and get Rick, bring him back. I told her I was done searching for people." He says to us. Shane stands up from the table, and Carl goes to follow.

"You need to stay here, watch over stuff." Shane tells him, when Carl went to follow him out the door. Carl goes to reject, but Emma walks up and grabs his hand. He looks at her and nods his head at Shane, before sitting back down.

"Lets eat, they will be back soon. All of them." Patrica says to us. Everyone silently agrees and waits for the people that had left to come back.

Not long later, a car pulls up. Everyone rushed outside to see who it was. As I walked up I heard Shane yell something at Lori,

"We have to protect the baby!" He says to her. Everyone gasps, except me because I already knew she was pregnant. I had slightly forgotten that she had been, sense I would have figured by now she would have told Rick. She sighs and runs her hand through her hair, looking up to see a wide eyed Carl.

"Your having a baby!?" He questions loudly. Emma holds his hand tightly. Lori looks away from her son guilty, knowing she shouldn't have kept it a secret. She nods her head at him, and he tilts his head confused, "You didn't tell me!?" He shouts at her. Emma squeezes his hand and he slowly calms down. The annoyance in his mother was visible to everyone.

"Lets get you in the house, clean you up." Carol says to her, grabbing Lori's hand and pulling her along. I slowly make my way back to the house after everyone. Carl, Emma, Dale, Lori and Shane all sit in the living room. I watch as Shane cleans the cut on Lori's forehead, she makes a slightly pained face.

"When will Rick and Glenn come back?" Emma questions, to no one in particular. Everyone is silent, asking themselves the same question.

"Soon." Shane says to everyone. I purse my lips before nodding my head and walking upstairs. Maggie hadn't been around for the whole Lori situation so I planned on telling her. As I walked up the stairs I heard yelling.

"Whats he going to do? Kill me for committing suicide?" Beth yells at her. I listen in the stair way, waiting for the yelling to be done. "We should do it together." Beth says to her. I hold my breath, waiting for Maggie to reply,

"Are you crazy?" Maggie says. Its quiet in the bedroom, and I decide now is the time to stop their conversation. As I enter the room, I see a teary eyed Maggie. I look from her to Beth, to see Beth have a stressed and annoyed face. I sigh and sit in the chair next to Maggie, hoping I could change their conversation slightly.

"Lori stole your car. She crashed it and now you don't have a car." I say to her simply. I look up from staring at the floor to see her shrug and nod her head. "Sorry." I add and she shrugs again,

"It was a sucky car." She tells me, smiling slightly. I chuckle and stand up,

"I'll bring you guys dinner." I say to her, heading downstairs and using what was left of the meal to give to the two sisters. When I bring it up, I notice that Maggie is staring at a sleeping Beth.

"She will pull through." I say to her as I put the food down, and walk out of the room.

That night I stayed watch. I couldn't sleep knowing the Glenn was still out there. I was a little mad at him, but happy that if he didn't love me, he wouldn't lie about it. I sat in the same spot with a rifle on my lap, looking from the tents to the woods.

When morning came, I was sad that they still had not came back. I had a feeling that they wouldn't come back at that point.

When everyone was up, they noticed that the three people were still not back. Lori had been more worried then ever. Everyone gathered in the house, trying to make a plan on what to do.

"Lets send out a group of people, maybe they got held up by walkers." Shane says to us, I shake my head at him. He looks at me confused, waiting for what i'm going to say,

"Walkers would have left by now. Most likely held up by people." I tell them. They look at me slightly confused still and I sigh, "People are more dangerous than a group of walkers. Walkers are slow, cant exactly defend themselves. People are different. Depends on what kind of people you bump into also." I say to them. They all nod again, now agreeing with me.

Shane begins to make the group of people, which consisted of Daryl, Shane and myself. It was going to just be him and Daryl, but I told him no matter what I would be going. He reluctantly said yes, after I threatened to go myself. I still hated Shane, after the CDC my hate for him grew stronger. As we head outside to go to the cars, a blue Jeep pulled up.

My eyes widen as I see Hershel, Rick and Glenn comes out. Glenn looks slightly dazed, staring at the ground as he got out. I look at him confused, but he doesn't even look up at me. My heart aches slightly, but I put the feelings behind me. I look at the car and notice a body shift inside. My hand flings to the gun in its holster, pulling it out and drawing it at the vehicle. 

Everyone quickly turns to me, staring with shocked eyes.  I look at the group of people who had just gotten back with wide eyes,

"Who the hell is in that car?!" I yell. Everyone turns to the car, noticing what I saw. We all turn to the group that came back, glancing at the car then us,

"We can explain."

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now