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We all sat around a fire, Rick was telling the story about how he had woken up in this new world.

I had zoned out, not listening. I felt a nudge in my side, I look over, to see Glenn looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed together. I look at him confused, only to see everyone else looking at me.

"What?" I say, looking around, earning a chuckle from a few people.

"Where are you from, whats your story" A man, who I learned name is Shane says to me. I narrow my eyes looking at him and nod,

"Kalee MacManus, out skirts of Atlanta, age 19. I was going to be going to college to be an FX Makeup artist. Make people look like, well the shit we see roaming around us everyday." I say, everyone nods their head.

"What about that cut on your cheek, wheres it from. Looks fresh." The man pressure me. I look back at him, staring at his eyes before shaking my head,

"Um, Emma, Kendall and the other girl I was with, we came across a bad group. Kidnapped us, they claimed things as theirs. Each of us got claimed. Did shot we didn't want to do, ended up with this nasty cut before we escaped. The guy that claimed Kendall, he was nice enough to help, died for us." I tell them. Emma and Kendall nod their heads as I tell the story.

"Sorry to hear that." An older man says, Dale. I look at him and send him a small smile. He sends one right back.

There was a man with his wife and daughter, Ed, was his name and Carol and Sophia. He had a fire a few feet away from ours. The group looks at him as he adds another log to the fire.

"Ed, you already know the rules, keep the fires low so we don't get spotted from a distance." Shane tells him. He huffs in responds,

"Cold man."

Shane stands from his seat, and goes over to talk to the family.

"Have we not given a thought about Merle?" The blonde girl who was questioning me earlier says to no one in particular. I look around as the group talks, once again zoning out.

"What about Daryl?" Glenn asks, I just then remembered he was next to me. Looking at his facial features I realize how attractive he really is.

He has a sharp jawline, a small nose and his eyes fit perfect on his face.

"Kalee, if you keep staring at him he will get creeped out." Emma says loudly, everyone at camp turned between me and her. I lift my hand flipping her off,

"Screw off" I say, laughing lightly. Everyone looks at each other, making me realize no one saw.

The group continues their conversation, I, not exactly caring cause I wasn't involved with this group before hand. I start to wonder where Me, Kendall, and Emma will be sleeping, since at nights we slept in trees while I usually stayed watch.

"Where is Emma, Kalee and I going to sleep?" Kendall asks, I mentally thank her for asking.

"Theres room on the RV floor, until we find a tent for you guys." Dale says to her, I nod my head, already knowing I wont be getting any sleep.

I once again get nudged in the side, by Glenn.

"Hey so, im- I uh have room? In my uh tent. If you want you can stay- If you don't want to I mean I get it we sorta just met-" He continues to ramble and I just chuckle,

"If you don't mind, ill defiantly take up this offer." I say to him. He smiles ,

"Cool- ill uh help you get your stuff in?" He says, but it comes out as if he is questioning if I really want help. I nod my head and stand up, stepping over the log we were once sitting on.

No one questions it, since people were already leaving to go to bed. I follow Glenn to his tent, he stands outside of it and scratches his head,

"You can change real quick without me in there while I grab the rest of your stuff from the truck." He says to me and I nod. I head into the tent, noticing theres barley any room, just a bed.

After I change, I stick my head out to see Glenn heading back. He smiles, like usual. I smiles back, he hands me my stuff and we both sit on his bed.

"Oh right you need to change." I say, I face the closest side of the tent and close my eyes,

"Oh ya haha" He says, I once again chuckle at his awkwardness. Shuffling in the tent if heard for a few moments, until a shirt is thrown at my head from behind me.

I turn to see him laughing a little and throw it back at him. He continues to laugh and throws it in his clothing pile.

"What side is your side." I ask him, he looks down remembering that I was sleeping with him.

"Oh ya, um either side." He says, I nod and just fall onto the makeshift bed. I let out a small 'owe' as my face hit the pillow hard. He lays down next me getting under the blankets.

"So um-hi." He says, I turn to face him,


"So those claimed people..." He began, I narrow my eyes at him, waiting for him to continue. "What did they do."

I thought for a moment, debating on how to explain to him.

"They took us, and just did what they wanted." I shrugged, trying to avoid the images of the men. He looked confused, but realized what I meant.

"Im sorry." He says, I shake my head,

"Not your fault. Don't apologize for something you didn't do." He looks at me in the eyes as I say this.

"Im fucking tired, I haven't slept in days." I say, he chuckles and nods. I turn so my back is facing him.

"Why didn't you sleep." He asks, before I close my eyes,

"I let the girls sleep, didn't want them to have to be scared of walkers coming to eat them. So I just watched." I say to him, nodding off into sleep.

Walls - G. RHEE [The Walking Dead] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now