[26l Listen to your soul

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This is a unique chapter in which it will be 100% Sans POV. The 💙💙 are literally Sans soul trying to talk to him, for his soul remembers. Sans can't hear it but feels the emotions.

Sans POV
I walked downstairs and saw that the human wasn't on the floor next to the couch, where she settled last night. I almost started to panic when I hear some light mumbling from the kitchen. I walked into the entryway and saw that the human wore a sad smile, standing her back away from me whisking a bowl of what I could safely assume is eggs, because of the carton on the counter.

She suddenly stopped and sighed, "I told you it's not his fault." I thought for a moment she was speaking to me because there is noone else in the room, but she continued after a short pause. "Of course I still love him... but to him... I'm just a stranger now."

💙You are my everything.💙

My soul hurt at her words, I felt like they were untrue, but I had no evidence of why I thought that.

"UM, HUMAN?" She jumped at the sudden sound of my voice, then she quickly turned around and her face relaxed into a soft smile... but it still looks painful, for some reason.

"Good morning Sans! I'm actually in the middle of making omelets for breakfast, want to help?"


She giggled, making my insides go crazy, at the sound, "Yeah I thought so, I would love to try your cooking sometime."

💙I missed you being around, making puns that I started to like when you said them, hearing your amazing laugh, seeing your beautiful smile...💙

I placed my hand over my chest then looked to the ground confused by these feelings, "YEAH..."

The human, (Y/N), stepped close peering into my face, "You okay, Sans? You seem almost less energetic."

I quickly take a step back distancing myself from her, "I-I'M FINE! DID YOU NEED TO CHOP SOME HAM, OR TOMATOS, OR SOMETHING FOR THE INSIDE?" 

The huma- (Y/N), tilted her head like she wanted to ask me something, but shook it off. "Yeah, actually that be great. While you do that I could go grab some honey from Muffet's, you know how Paps loves the stuff."

(Y/N) went to walk away towards the door passing me as she did so.

💙Don't go, I just got you back.💙

My hand flew out and grabbed her wrist, "WAIT! H-HOW ABOUT WE CUT THE INGREDIENTS TOGETHER AND THEN GO GET THE HONEY?? NO... WAIT, YOU'RE SCARED OF KNIVES." (Y/N) looked at me with pure shock, I immediately let go of her. "SORRY!! YOU MUST HATE-"

"No!" She cut me off and took a step forward to me, her eyes pleading, "I could never hate anything you do. I was just... surprised you knew I was afraid of knives."

"OH..." I looked to the side avoiding her stare.

How did I know that?

💙I want to know so much more. Where were you?
Did you know I went totally mad?
I went out every single moment to look for you, I didn't even go to Royal Guard training. After the first few weeks I was forgetting, I wrote down everything I could remember and as the days continued the more you and our memories became a blur. Paps would deny you were ever there, to begin with... I started to see you, it wasn't really you, of course, it was part of the crazy I had to endure trying so hard to not forget... but I... I did. Paps never said, but he remembered you well, maybe because he was powerful? Who's to say? But, to me? You were simply a ghost, human that haunted me... but I suppose it was really me, hating myself for forgetting you. The guilt manifested into an illusion...
I really do love you. 💙

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