[19] Decision & Realization

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My head is pounding...

I put my hand to my head and look over at Alphys, Undyne, and Sans; Alphys and Undyne stared at me with confusion and shook, Sans expression, however, screamed with worry. I tore my face away and glanced at my surroundings.

How did I get over here?

Alphys was the first to break the tension.

"What just happened?"

"W-well the mirror is c-connected through not only energy but the holders m-memories, a.k.a the b-brain, to find who they're s-searching for... with t-that being said, y-you can't break the connection w-without causing harm to the u-user." 


Sans finally found the will to move and raced to my side helping me to my feet.


I cringed a bit at Sans's voice but put on a smile for him.

"I'm fine, just a little headache."

He let out a big breath of air, "THANK TORIEL!"

My head was still dancing and every word someone or I spoke was as if my brain was trying to burst out.

"I-i just don't understand, h-how did you get over t-there?"


I rest my hand to my head as if that would keep my brain inside. I couldn't follow the conversation and it hurt to think.

"I-i don't know."



"...I-i don't know"

"Did you fly over there from the light, Punk?"


"N-no that couldn't h-have happened."

"Then what did happen?"


"I d-Don'T kNoW!"

My headache instantly subsided. I moved my hand from my head to my throat. My eyes were wide.

It... did it again, my voice...

The room was quiet, the only thing that could be heard was everyone's breathing overlapping. I refuse to break the silence in fear, my voice would 'malfunction' again.

"W-what was-"

I cut Undyne off afraid of the question she was about to ask, "I don't know." My voice returned to normal. "I have to go, thanks for having me," I said my thanks far too quickly for anyone to stop me, dashing out of the Lab.


Sans caught up to me swiftly, as I was walking fast towards the river dude. Sans walked in time with me trying to peer in my face.


I spoke up, but still reminded looking away from Sans.

"I really don't know what happened and it's kinda freaking me out. And I know we have to talk about it one day. But, please not right now... can we just drop it?"

Sans didn't say anything after that, my pace naturally slowed down as my mood went from fear to worry, Sans matched my speed. 

We reached the river dude, Sans jump in then offered his hand to assist me into the boat. I accepted. Once I was in the boat I went to pull my hand away, but Sans held on to it slowly filling in the gaps between my fingers.

Can I Stay? (Underswap!Sans × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now