[25] Forgotten

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Void day ×: No progress.
I try and try again to get back and... nothing.
Chara, Gaster, and I remain hopeful.
I thought of Sans and the void showed me him frantically running around the underground looking for me.
It hurt too much to continue watching.

Void day ××: Nothing still.
I still have hope...
Gaster watches over everybody in the underground, everytime he is about to say something I cut him off. I won't admit it but I'm afraid... afraid they will forget.
Don't think.

Void day ××: Again nothing.
My hope is still in place.
Gaster tells me more about him, Paps, and... Sans... I want to see him. I need to see him.
No... I can't think, if I think about him I'll see.

Void day ××: ...
I am hopeful.
Gaster remains positive.
Chara 'sleeps' a lot of the time and doesn't say much... she hides it well, but she is losing hope.

Void day ××: Nothing.
I... I...

"I just want to see him, okay?!"

"Why silly~ all you have to do is think and the void will show you."

"N-no I can't do that!"


"Because I know he is forgetting!!!"

T-that can't be true, Blueberry loves you.

G went silent, he knew all too well.

"How do you know?"

"Because I can feel it!! When I first came to the void I could feel Sans love for me clearly, like I could hold it.. but now? I feel as if there is a little tiny string keeping us together and that's it."


"...how much has he forgotten?"

"Why ask a question you don't want to know the answer to?"

H-he really forgetting?
D-Don't worry!! I'm sure, we'll get through this!
Chara's voice was strain like she didn't even believe her own words.


"*sigh* Come here." G held out a hand to me and I took it.

"Close your eyes." I did.

"Now think about Sans. You won't have to see, just imagine him here with a grumpy look on his face as Pappy says a pun. Or imagine him making quiche. Imagine him running about with energy searching for you. Imagine him holding your hand. Imagine him hugging you. Imagine him kissing you..."

I could see it. I could see it all. I see him with his big wonderful smile that makes me feel like nothing can hurt me. Tears stream down my face the more I think about him.

I whimper in a very soft voice,  "...I want to be with him."

"Then go."

I felt the world around me shift, I feel my soul cry out to Sans where ever he may be and I move.

I opened my eyes in shock and for a moment I think I've gone crazy. B-but I see it.

Y-you did it. YOU REALLY DID IT!!!

I'm in Snowdin. Not only in Snowdin, but I'm standing right outside the house that belonged to Paps and... Sans.



I tear my hand from G and run to the house swinging the door open.

"(Y/N)! Wait!"

Can I Stay? (Underswap!Sans × Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora