[34] Determination

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"What do you mean you can't see his soul?!" I stood up quickly while helping Sans on his feet. Everyone's eyes were on me as I had a conversation with myself. 

I don't know!! It's not there.

"That's not possible without a soul..."

No, it's not that. He has his soul it's just must have weakened enough so I can't see it. His soul trait is losing its strength. That would also explain why he could do certain actions he couldn't do before.

"Like harm me." Sans strengthen his grip on my arm, he could clearly tell I was talking about him, yet he was waiting on me to interact with him first. I look around and realize Paps and G are doing to same. "Sorry, it was not my intention to leave everyone out the loop... Everyone sit." Sans hesitated and let go of me, after everything that he is trying to process I don't blame him. They all sat on the couch looking towards me for answers. "First Sans, had Paps re-explained who Chara is?" 

Sans nodded his head, "Good this will be a bit easier to explain, Chara can see our soul without them being activated. It's one of her unique abilities... However... right now she is having difficulty seeing yours, Sans." 

"What?!" Paps was the first to react. "I mean I caught a little of what you were saying to Chara earlier, but how is that even possible? Is he in any danger?"

I don't know.

"We don't know. We lack information. That's why..." I turned back to Sans. "I want to activate your soul." Sans clearly had mixed feels, he seemed embarrassed but also still confused. He was still trying to make sense of everything. His emotions were all over the place.

"Whoa~ (Y/N). You know what you're asking right? During battle is one thing, but outside of it  our souls are personal~ That's kinda a tough request." 

"I understand. Trust me, I wouldn't want Sans to do anything he is uncomfortable with, but Sans is changing somehow and for some reason. I want to find out why. " 

"I'll DO IT."

We were all surprised at Sans' sudden decision. 

Paps spoke up, "Are you sure Sans? This is pretty serious, you do realize what that means, right?"


"Sans..." It was quiet for a while, a long while.

(Y/N)... We don't know how much time we have, not to mention Frisk still holds some power. 

I took a step forward to where Sans sat on the couch and reached out my hand. He seemed as nervous as I was. Yet, he took my hand with no hesitation. I guided him to our room and closed the door behind us. As I made my way to our bed I dropped his hand. He paused looking over to me as I sat down. 

I'll give you and Blueberry some privacy. Let me know when you're ready. 

My body was hot from my nerves. It may have been my idea but now I'm starting to slowly freak out.  " You know I did imagine this could happen, we are dating and love each other... but I never thought it be like this." 

"(Y/N)..."Sans voice was low, this only happens when he is serious. He walked over to me and sat down beside me and took my hands in his. "Honestly, I was giving a lot of information and still having a rough time keeping up. However, I love you and I trust you. We'll be okay."

I know Sans was trying to calm me down but the way he spoke only make me more nervous. "R-right and it's just simulation! We aren't going all the way!" I was loud from the anxiety. 

Sans was blushing really hard. I honestly couldn't keep up, my heart was pounding in my chest. Moments ago everything was so messed up, it still is, but now... I locked eyes with Sans. 

SMUT WARNING, NO SEX, LIGHT TOUCHING. -I'm not sugar-coating it. I'll let you know where to read again if you're a young part of the fandom and aren't interested. -FruityyLoopz

Sans and I move forward simultaneously kissing each other slowly becoming deeper. I opened up my mouth letting Sans tongue in. I was having trouble trying to catch my breath in between kisses.  My breath was starting to become staggered. Sans hands were moving up and down my back causing me to shiver in delight. He pulled back from me and gives me a look to ask for permission. I nodded. He grabs the ends of my shirt and lifts it up and off my body. Sans begins to study my body, embarrassed I cover myself with my arms.

"Don't." Sans grab one of my arms. " You're beautiful." I look into his unwavering eyes and slowly drop my other arm. Sans lifts his other hand, still not leading my other arm go like I was going to run off somewhere. He traced my breast over my bra, the sensation was causing me to shake a little. "Are you afraid?"

"N-no." Sans suddenly pushes me down hovering over me. His kisses continued but were much rougher. I moan softly as I feel Sans press into me. He started to grind into me still kissing me deeply. I felt my soul come from my body and as we part for breath I see Sans's has emerged as well.  

-You can start reading again- FruityyLooz

Our souls were amazingly beautiful. They started to dance around each other almost trying to encourage us to keep going. However, the problem became clear as soon as I looked at them.

"...I'm absorbing your soul." Sans sat up from me and handed me my shirt. 

"I don't understand how this is possible, nor what it means."

I put my shirt back on and call out for Chara. 

Oh yay! You guys did it... whoa. What is that-

Chara was now seeing what I was seeing. My soul was a bright pink dancing with Sans soul which was not as blue as it should be and a light mist was coming off it and flowing into my soul. 

"Do you know what this means?"

I have a theory, but you're not going to like it.

I grip Sans hand, "What? I can handle it."

Your soul is weak, my guess is because you're well... 

"An error."

...Right, so your soul is trying to gain stability.

"And it's stealing Sans'?"

That is my theory yes. 

"So, what does that mean?"

You're taking away Sans very cumulation of being so...

My eyes fix on Sans. "...I'm killing him." 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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