[2] King(?) Asgore & Mettaton

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"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth...I am Asgore caretaker of the ruins." I took a few steps back in fear, tripping over myself. "Child?" King Asgore took a step forward looming over me. I crumble into a ball as flashbacks of being killed by the man before I fill my head.


I stand before King Asgore, he laughs as he breaks the [Mercy] button. He forces me to attack, not that I really do much damage, or that I wanted to. He hits me with fire attacks slowing me down with each fireball striking against my bare skin. This made King Asgore smile with joy as I scream and tremble in pain. Finally, after he breaks me down enough he takes his cleaver and strikes me again and again and again-


"Are you okay, my child?" King Asgore worried voice made me look up, he reached out his hand towards me.

I tried to scoot back but my body was drained with terror, "P-please don't hurt me! I don't want t-to..to-" King Asgore pulled me into a hug catching me off guard.

"Child, you have no need to be afraid. I don't mean you any harm." I was still in a little of a panic, but I carefully and slowly hugged him back. I truly wanted to believe his words.

"I'm sorry, King Asgore..." King Asgore tensed a bit, then laughed

"I've given up that title long ago, just call me Asgore." He gently pulled me away to see my face, his smile was warm and... loving.

"Come, I will guide you through the ruins." Asgore offered his hand to me. I was very hesitant, however, I took it despite my inner self.

"You could call me (Y/N) if you like."

"(Y/N), what a great name." I smiled at Asgore's kind words.

He's... he's so different.

I walked hand and hand with Asgore as he explained puzzles, how to [Act], how to [Spare], I even practice on a dummy, it didn't seem much for conversation.

As I came across a monster I would do what I normally do, [Act] then [Spare]. However, unlike other timelines when I [Act] monsters accepted me with such ease. I am still very confused, but at the same time, I really enjoyed the friendliness and energy here.

Asgore left me alone at one point to run an errand and told me to stay in this long corridor. He told me, 'The puzzles are too dangerous and I'm not prepared for them yet.' Even, though I have been through each puzzle multiple times. I wanted to listen to him after he was so kind, but my soul isn't light blue. {#CleverAssJoke}

So, I continued on, running into a little pink timid ghost, a lot like Napstablook. Both in their looks and the way they laid in the middle of my path on a bed of roses. The ghost repeated 'zzzzzzz' out loud. I, having no other option, forced the ghost out the way. Of course, the room went black and white initiating a battle. The ghost floating in front of me and there was also their name, it read 'Mettaton'.

Umm... what? If Mettaton is here instead of Blooky...
And if Asgore was here instead of Toriel...
Does that mean everything is like swapped... and the monsters are nicer?
Ugh! What a headache...

I [Check] Mettaton and noticed he seemed a little upset. I [Act] and [Cheer], "I-it will be okay!"

Mettaton smiled a bit but started to cry. "...heh, I'm really not feeling up to it, I'm sorry." His tear attack fell upon me. I tried my best to dodge them, but they were everywhere. I got hit once or twice, but no real damage.

My turn. I [Act] again, to [Cheer], "I can help. I'm sure things will get better!" I pat my hand on my chest in confidence.

Mettaton smiled grew, "I want to show you something..." His tears flew up to his head forming a cute fedora.

I [Act] one last time and [Cheer], "It's so cute!"

Mettaton spared me and the color came back into the room. "I usually come to the Ruins because it quiet, but today I met someone nice. Oh, I'm sorry I'll get out your way. Bye Darling~"

"Wait!" But, I was too late Mettaton was already gone. "Man..."

Okay. I think- I think- I know what's happening but I don't know why.

I reached a checkpoint.

[A delightful meeting with Asgore and Mettaton fills you with Hope.]

Can I Stay? (Underswap!Sans × Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن