[23] The Storm

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About Chara: She can only see what you see and she speaks to you, not within you. So, in return, you have to speak out loud. She can't read your mind or emotions, but she can see your soul without activating a battle, in fact, she sees everyone's soul.
"A-are you sure that's t-the best i-idea?"


"Don't worry, no-one will disturb the connection this time so I'll be fine. And I'll do my best to keep a level head."

Plus, who is to say this will actually work? I know Undyne said it will be able to see any monster but is that really possible?

"I-if you insist, i-is over here."

Undyne walked over to her desk and pulled out the very same mirror from before, just seeing it quickness my heart.

Oh! I remember that! That's how you saw goat dad!

Undyne holds out the mirror to me, I hesitate.


"Y-you okay, (Y/N)?" I jerk my hands back.

"W-why do you ask?"

"Your hands, t-they're trembling."

I glance down to see my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I ball my hands into a fist forcing them to stop.

I don't like this... Your soul its-

I take the mirror successfully in my possession this time and put on my best fake smile for Undyne, ignoring Chara. "I'm fine."

"If y-you say so, w-who are you looking for this t-time?"

I gripped the mirror tightly at the sudden question, but my smile didn't falter. In fact, it changed to a genuine one and without even thinking, I started telling the truth.

"He... he is just the worst kind of monster!" I giggled at Undyne expression and continued. "He is mean, cruel, and filled with L.O.V.E, like the complete opposite of Sans! He is the type to make scary, creepy jokes and treats others like nothing more than stepping stones to achieve his goal, whatever it was. And he had these crazy sharp teeth! And his eyes, Oh. My. Gosh! They were the darkest, blackest eyes, that just give you nightmares looking at him! In all downright honesty, he scares me to my core! At first..."

My smile faded. "...but we became friends... it took a long time, but he trusted me... and I-i just left him... I broke my promise."

You loved him, didn't you?

"(Y-y/N), you're crying." I didn't reassure the tears staining my face. I was doing everything to keep my emotions in check.

"I just need to know he is okay."

And what if he's not? ...Shut up, me.

"B-but wouldn't it be better t-to go see him? Like f-face to face. Y-you can makes t-things right."

You c-can't, y-you promised-

"No. Even if I could see him again, I won't. It's already been decided."


"So... so I can finally be happy. It's selfish, really selfish, I know. But, I don't care. I want to be here with Sans, Paps, you, Alphys, and all of the other monsters here underground."

"I-i don't understand. Why c-can't you have t-them both?"

"...I'll tell you one day."

Thank you, for keeping your promise... but...Do you think they'll believe you? That they'll understand?

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