[11] Quiche & Knives

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room and started to panic right away. I quickly look around taking in my surroundings. I am on a blue race car bed, to my left was a table with a range of action figures. Next to that hanging on a wall was a pirate flag, you know the ones with the big skeleton skull and crossbones.

After seeing all this, and the rest I realized I had to be in Sans' room because it looked so similar to my Paps' room... but nicer and more blue.

I get up and make the bed. I walked over to the door only for it to be slammed opened almost hitting me, the culprit?



"Hey, Sans. What's up?"


Before I could testify, Sans grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the bed. I stood my ground by putting my other hand on top of Sans's hand and gently removing it from being intertwined with my fingers.

"You worry too much, after resting I feel completely fine."


Sans was looking at the ground as he spoke, probably remembering the events.

"Sans... I'm okay really! I'm sorry to worry you."


No response.


"You know Sans, I'm kinda hungry after sleeping so long."

"*Gasp*" Sans finally looked up at me, with stars in his eyes. "OF COURSE YOU ARE, HUMAN! WHY NOT SOME OF MY AMAZING QUICHE?!"

"You know what Sans, that sounds great. And I'll be able to help this time."


Sans once again grabbed my hand rushing downstairs. His boney hand is warm... isn't that odd? He may be a skeleton but he is alive.

We dash by Paps who was asleep on the couch and into the kitchen.

Sans let go of my hand and started running around collecting the things we needed for the quiche, along with... other ingredients.

Sans started with cracking the eggs into a bowl, but a few egg shells fell in here and there. He then grabbed the whisk and was about to mix the batter.



I walked over and started to remove the egg shells from the mixture.


"Hehe, let's just remove them for now."

Sans went along with it then started whisking at the speed of light.

"Wait, Sans!" I went behind him and puts my hands around him on his hands. "Like this."

Sans tensed up, "Sans?" I tried to look into his face but I was stopped by a voice.

Paps POV

I heard some noise from the kitchen and got up to investigate.

I walked in and saw (Y/N), helping Sans whisk a batter of most likely quiche.

"Sans?" (Y/N) spoke with a bit of concern as she tried to look into Sans face.

I decided to intervene.

"Well, don't y'all look cozy?"

(Y/N) turn her head at the sound of my voice and quickly removed herself from Sans, like she just realized she was practically hugging him.

"S-sorry! I-i didn't... I just... um... yeah."

She was extremely embarrassed, her face lit up of red. However, what surprised me was Sans was also embarrassed, his face was almost completely blue.


Now, it's awkward...

"Umm... hey, I can't wait to taste your quiche. I bet it will be egg-cellent~" (Y/N) laughed at my pun and Sans groaned like always, but he was smiling.

The air was lighter now.

Normal POV

Sans continue with the quiche every now and again, I would stop him and tell him the correct way to do it. At one point he tried to put glitter in the dish... yeah I stopped him.

Paps starting asking me a few questions, not really about anything and some didn't even make sense.


"Of course." I walked over to where Sans was and glanced back over at Paps, smiling.


"Thank- AH!" As I looked back Sans had handed me a knife that was now on the ground from me dropping it.

"HUMAN?" I didn't really hear Sans I was looking at the knife in fear remembering events that refused to leave my mind.

Paps walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality.


"S-sorry..." My body was unconsciously shaking. "I... I don't like knives."


Sans was looking at me with worry and a bit of confusion.

I didn't really want to talk about it but the way Sans looked at me, made me move my mouth.

"...well as a child my... brother... would chase me with a knife, he never hit me with it and he wasn't mean to me either. It was just us being kids and doing stupid kid things...
One day, he tripped forward slamming the knife into his leg...
T-there was j-just so much b-blood..."

"Okay, Kiddo that's enough."



"N-no, it's okay. The way I spoke might have been a bit misleading. My brother survived that day... but... I thought for sure, he was going to die..."


"Okay. Storytime over, I'll cut the tomatoes. (Y/N), you help Sans with the oven, okay?"

"Yeah, okay... thanks Paps."

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