[24] Gaster aka #1 Dad

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Gaster is usually swapped with the river person and sings 'Tra la la' all the time according to my underswap research. But in this fanfiction, he is going to be just super excited and looks on the positive all the time, and still who you meet in the void.


'(Y/N)!! Get ahold of yourself!! Do you even know where we are?!'

I take a deep breath in and was about to yell back. But..when I went to open my eyes, I realized they weren't closed.

I rubbed my hands against my eyes and sniffled a few times calming myself. "...I...I can't see."

'Yes, you can. There is nothing to see.'

"Where are we?"

"Why the void, of course, silly!~"

I jumped at the new voice looking all about, to no avail, the world was painted black.

"Such a bummer too~ I don't think you can keep your promise now, but soon it won't exist, no worries~!" The voice sounded gentle like they actually felt sad for me, but it was also really energetic too... reminds me of Sans.

"No... I w-wouldn't break a promise. What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"Oh! How rude of me!" A white mist filled the room and formed a tornado. The magical winds made my eyes act up and close. Once the air was still again I was in shock at what stood before me.
It was a monster skeleton-like Paps and Sans, actually, there was no way he wasn't related, with orange and blue that scream out on him in this field of black. Orange undershirt, blue vest, blue and orange eyes, and that smile... yeah he has to be related. "Hello there! The name is Gaster, but if it pleases the lady you may call me G~"


"Oh! Well, I'm (Y/N)-"

"No need to tell me silly~ I see everything in the void. So I know all about you! Everything you have seen, heard, or done, I know!~ that includes the timelines and such."

'And such' ... that means he knows I'm an error.

...b-but who is he?

"Um... might I ask if you are related to Papyrus and Sans?"

"You may and I am! I'm their father! Number one dad in fact! They made me a pin that says so!!~"

Double whoa.

"Hehe, well you sure look like them."

"Really?! I used to get that all the time!!" G jumped forward his eyes glowing brightly, but dulled a bit when he shifted them to the side and said, "Not so much anymore..." Then he lit up again just as fast, "But! My boys are well again~ that's all I can ask~ and it's thanks to you!!"

The mood shifted almost instantly, "Oh... Well, I don't know about that. I'm not even supposed to be here, if anything they gave happiness to someone who was... I don't even know what to call myself."


"What??? Don't worry about such a small thing!! You are here now!!~ That's what truly matters~"

He is right, you know. Even, if you aren't the true (Y/N). Why does that matter? You are here now with friends and a lover. Your brother and other friends are happy too. It's like being at two places at once! You don't have to worry about them anymore, they are okay... And you will be too.

Can I Stay? (Underswap!Sans × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now