"What's this gonna prove though?"

"If you're straight or not." Ashton sighed pausing their game. "Okay, one small kiss, that's it." Michael nodded. Ashton found this very, very awkward. Michael is his best friend. But they both leaned in. Ashton did feel something. It wasn't how he felt when he kissed girls. It was different and he was afraid to admit this, but he liked that feeling.

They pulled apart and Michael asked him how he felt. "Nothing. Told you Michael I'm straight." Ashton lied. Michael sighed. Ashton was questioning his sexuality now, he felt nothing when he kissed girls, but something when he kissed Michael. "Hey, I have some homework to catch up on. I'll see you tomorrow." Michael nodded.

When Ashton arrived home he was greeted with his parents setting up the table for dinner. "Ashton dinner is ready!" His mum called. His parents didn't really approve of his tattoos, but he didn't really care what they said because he likes them. Realizing they couldn't make Ashton get them removed, they got used to seeing him with tattoos and just let it be.

Ashton washed up since his parents made them do it before they ate. "So...Ash, any girls you're interested in?" His dad asked as they all sat down at the dinner table. "No, I don't really like any girls at the moment." Ashton spoke. "Well, when you meet the girl you really love you should let us meet her. I'd love to meet the person who makes my son happy." Ashton's dad smiled. As Ashton bit his lip nervously eating his dinner.


"Game day! Aren't you excited!" Michael cheered. "Obviously. Who wouldn't?" Ashton laughed. They walked down the halls in their letterman jackets. Michael walked over to Calum while Ashton followed behind. "Hey, you're gonna come to the game?" Michael asked Calum. Who still is trying to persuade him to know he's changing just for him.

"In your dreams Clifford." Calum scoffed. "Oh believe me I do dream." Michael winked following behind Calum as they walked away. "Quit following me." Calum scolded, annoyed. "Well, my mum always told me to follow my dreams." He smirked which made a small blush appear on the kiwi boys face. "So you gonna come?" Michael asked again. "...I'll think about it." Calum bit his lip to prevent him from smiling too much.

"What about you?" Ashton asked Luke. "Are you gonna come too?" Luke shrugged,"P-probably, if Calum goes then he'll m-make me go." Ashton nodded,"Well if you do go, make sure you say hi to me." Ashton winked making the small boy with the blue eyes turn red. "Ash! Stop flirting and get over here!" Michael yelled as Ashton jogged over to him.

It was the last quarter at the game and Ashton spotted Luke in the crowd laughing at whatever Calum said and in that instant, he felt a smile appear when he saw Luke laughing with his nose scrunching up. He got this warm feeling inside whenever he saw Luke smile or laugh now. "C'mon man, we're so far ahead. You ready to win?" Mike asked which pulled Ashton from his train of thought.

"Luke! Oh my gosh! We won!" Calum cheered. They both walked down the bleachers and Calum went to Michael hugging him tightly. Luke shyly walked up to Ashton,"Um, C-congrats." Ashton fondly smiled at. "Thanks. There's gonna be an after game party. You're invited if you wanna join." Ashton offered. Luke nodded,"I-I don't think I'll go. But thanks for t-the offer." Ashton tried to hide his pout, but smiled. "Ash, what're you doing talking to this geek?" Ricky snickered, who happened to be one of his teammates.

"I dunno' he just came up to me. Later loser." Ashton snickered and walked away to be with them. Luke should've known, Ashton was going to act all nice when they're alone, but a dick when he's in front of his friends. He shouldn't have even thought he was nice, he shouldn't even be getting involved with anything Ashton related, but somehow he managed to get sucked in.

"Can we go now please?" Luke asked Calum. "I'm gonna go to the after party. Okay?" Luke sighed and nodded. "Can you drop me off at home then?" Calum nodded.

At the party everyone was drunk, except Calum, he was the good kid. On the other hand, Michael was drunk and clinging on to Calum like a koala. Not to mention drunk Michael didn't realize that his height and weight had an affect on Calum, so he almost fell over.

Ashton had another girl on his lap and was wildly making out with her, but when she wanted to go upstairs and continue, he rejected the offer. Though, she was too drunk to care so they stayed on the couch shoving their tongue down their throats. When Ashton was kissing her, it felt weird. Not how it did with Michael. Kissing him, was different and he liked it. He liked the feeling he got in.

However, he ignored the feeling in the pit of his stomach and continued kissing her until she passed out from being too drunk. Then another girl was all up over him, that happened on most days, he didn't care enough to be bothered by it though. The party was coming to an end, it was almost midnight. Ashton rudely shoved the girl off of his lap, her almost falling on the floor. Calum being the only one not drunk, had to drive both of the giggling boys home. "Can you walk to the door?" Calum asked Ashton as he walked out of the car. "Yes." Ashton laughed as he stumbled along the walkway to the front door.

"Do you need me to walk you to the front door Mike?" Michael shook his head. "No, I'm a big boy, I can do it." Michael giggled as well. "You're just full of laughs huh?" Calum looked at Michael with a small smile. "Only with you." Michael laughed even more. "Alright go home get some rest."

"Wait, lemme get your number please." Michael pouted, his words slurred. "Give me your phone." Michael obeyed. "Here. Text me in the morning, when you're not drunk." Michael nodded and walked to his front door, nearly tripping over nothing. Calum sighed and drove himself home.

How was it?

Good. Although I was Michael's and Ashton's personal chauffeur tonight.

How were they?

Just giggly and drunk. I need to go to bed though. I have a game tomorrow. Good night Luke. Love ya

Good night love you

Luke sighed as he set his phone down, hoping Ashton wouldn't talk to him anymore. He doesn't want a broken heart. He's only ever gotten one once and it wasn't great at all. He cried for almost 2 weeks straight. So, he needs to protect his heart. To do that, he needs to stay away from Ashton. He will only cause problems for Luke, he can just feel it.

Thankfully, it was Saturday the next day. Luke and Calum were talking in Luke's room after his game. "So, are you and Michael a thing now?" Luke asked. Calum shrugged,"Well, I don't really know because I still think this is some game and he's still trying to prove to me that it's not. I really don't believe if he actually likes me or not." Luke sighed. "Do you think he likes you? Like, is he showing you that he does?" Calum nodded, answering Luke's question.

"Then I say go for it. Go with your gut." Calum nodded. "So you and Ashton?" Calum wiggled his eyebrows. "Never gonna happen." Luke shook his head. Calum gaped,"What? I thought you guys were getting to know each other then you guys were supposed to date." Luke shook his head. "He called me a loser in front of his friends even though he was being all nice and sweet when his friends weren't there." He shrugged. "Oh. Maybe give him some time? I dunno' maybe he's just confused." Calum gave him a small smile.

"He's a bad influence though, so I shouldn't get involved with him anyway." Luke added. Calum knew he was right, but he had a feeling they would end up together eventually. "Yeah he is and you're a good influence on him. Opposites attract don't they?"

Calum was right, Luke knew that since they both believed in that saying. It was weird for Luke thinking about if him and Ashton were ever going to get together. Ashton's not ready for a relationship he's always wants hook ups instead of commitment. Luke wanted to be in a relationship to do couple stuff like going on dates, spending holidays together. Stuff like that. But, he will never date Ashton he's practically incapable of being in a real relationship. But, who knows? Maybe Ashton will be different.

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