Ch 1: Goodies

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uh duh, of course you are.

or your here by mistake.

in that cause, you just made one of the best mistakes of your life.

join us.

join the ghosties. 

Forever...and ever...and ever.


Red POV:

I pouted in the mirror, "Prince Julius, why do you have such a large mirror, you don't care for your looks."

He just shook his head at me, "well, I'm not as cute as you are Red."

I hummed, fluffing the red ringlets of my bob, "well, it would be rude to argue with a prince."

Prince Julius Ashbell laughed lightly as I giggled, "do you like your new dress?"

I nodded, sending my hair bouncing as I hopped down from the stool I stood on, "It's very cute. thank you."

He patted my head.

He always pats my head and ruins my hair or puts one if my bows out of place. "Its only fair, the last mission I sent you on ruined one of yours."

My nose wrinkled recalling the distasteful fight in an ugly little swamp that muddied up one of my favorite dresses. 

It just made me so mad I had to drown the man responsible.

And to think I was going to give him a swift death...

Sighing softly at the memory of my poor ruined dress, I walked circles around the prince, "Well...the lace on it was quite pretty, but this dress is so silky to the touch and its from you." I giggled happily standing on my toes to poke the prince's straight nose, "and I like you best."

He just rolled his eyes at me, "I'm so glad to hear it, but I know you favor reds so I was a bit concerned you would reject it."

"It is pretty with my eyes. I like this shade of blue. and even If I didn't I would still like it because its from you."

He scoffed, looking faintly amused, "you want something."

My eyes grew wide and my lips parted softly, "who? me? I have everything I could possibly want. cute clothes full of frills, pretty dolls, two fine porcelain tea sets, a lovely little home of my own right here on palace grounds, and enough flour to make a baker die of envy. What more could i possibly wish for?"

shaking his head a bit, he ruffled my hair; much to my chagrin. "when you start playing with flour, its more than the baker who is going to die Red. and I know you, the wider the eyes the more devious the plot."

I rocked on my heels, cheeks puffed in mild irritation, "boo. you're no fun."

Julius never plays my games. "Well. you are the head of my personal guard Red, we are not supposed to play together, the Scarlet Guard will be expecting you for breakfast wont they?"

"I dont eat with them. no one wants me near their food since last winter."

"you did test your new poison on them all and killed four of them. perhaps you should not use them to range effectiveness of toxins."

Pouting I huffed a bit, "and the four who died were replaced by better guards. the others are now stronger against poison. I do think I was rather helpful."'

"ah. I see. So back to my original question you little devil. What is it you want?"

Hm. he wasn't going to drop it.

I shrugged picking at the hem of my dress. "to be allowed omittance from shadowing you at the upcoming ball."

He paused, "you are head of my personal guard. you always shadow me at the ball Red."

I nodded, "yes. yes i do. but the ball falls upon a time where a pretty designer from a foreign land is in town, selling at market. I wish to shop."

He looked down at me utterly amused, "you want me to risk dying unguarded at a ball so you can shop."

I beamed at him, "yes, yes I do."

A low laugh and then a clever gleam in his eye, "alright red. you can skip the ball. if you do one thing for me."

I perked up at this.

A fair trade?

That was very much like Prince Julius.

"I need you to go into the northern woods. there is an old woman there who nurses the wolf people."

My head cocked to the side as he continued to speak. the kingdom of Vanderdash is not fond of their furry counterparts. The wolf people are not too fond of humans either.

"The guards we send in, are almost always killed on sight, most humans are killed before they get near the old woman's cabin. But you might be able to go unnoticed. or at least they would hesitate to kill you." he smiled at me, "A big burly man is an obvious threat, a little wide eyed girl would give pause."

True. Most wolf people I encounter do pause before attacking me, especially if I wear my Scarlet Guard cloak.

The royal families red weighs heavily, even on the wolf people. they do not wish for another war among us. random humans are one thing, but a member of the elite guard for the royal family, that may tip the scales if the person was important enough. 

I nodded once. 

"Good..if you can kill the old woman Red, things would be more in our favor than ever, mother, father, and I have tried to rid the kingdom of her for a long while. without her, they will be weakened. perhaps quicker to comply."

I Hummed, "so all I need to do is wonder into the woods and get rid of an old lady? and then I can skip the Ball to shop?"

"if you can kill her, you can skip the ball to shop with my coin rather than your own. I can only imagine how cute you could be with such funds."

I lit up at that. "I'll make a snack for the road and set off before the sun hits its highest point."

He looked surprised, "don't you need to plan Red?"

I giggled softly, "Don't be silly. I'm just going on a walk, and I may get frightfully lost."

Before he could respond I fluttered from the room, skirts swishing as I pranced through the hall, mind whirling with all sorts of goodies I could make for this granny.

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