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If you do not like how I am writing MY book, then feel free to delete it from your library. I have worked hard on this and am quite proud with the turn out. I do not need people telling me that "the main character is annoying," "oh you shouldn't have wrote that". I will write how I please. Keep in mind Derrick and Ally were together for over a year on and off. She loved him despite his flaws. It's been five months, but considering what happened to her, she hasn't been able to move on because she hasn't had that closure since Derrick was missing. And now all of a sudden he is back, better than ever( not crazy ) with a new girl. Of course she is going to be upset. There are more good memories than the bad. She isn't running back to him because he isn't good for her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love him. You guys are acting like I'm making them have babies together or something but I'm not. I will not make them get back together so stop criticizing me acting like I am. 

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