Chapter 11 - Black Out

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"Ew, stop. You're going to make me puke." Ashton says fake gagging as Chris and Peyton kiss.

"Ashton shut up, you're just jealous my boyfriend is prettier than you."

"Ye- wait. Pretty?" Chris says confused. I giggle and roll my eyes.

"Let's go guys, school starts in fifteen." We all get up grabbing our coffees and leave the diner into the rain and thunder.

We pull up our hoods and run to the car. Right when we all shut our doors, lightning flashes through the sky and thunder deafens us. Peyton, Chris, and I screamed while Luke and Ashton howl like wolves. Why i'm friends with these people, is still a mystery.

"God got a strike! You go big man!" Luke screams, and I look at him cracking a smile. "Weirdo."

"Don't be jealous because God's better at bowling than you." He says pinching my cheek.

"Hey! I'm not that bad." I smack his hand away and puff out my bottom lip.

"Last time you threw the ball into the other lane!"

"I got a strike!"

"You mean you got that little boy a strike." He says winking. I roll my eyes and cross my arms melting into the seat. "Yeah, whatever. Let's just get to school."

After ten minutes we pull into the school. All you can see are black clouds, lightning, rain, and teenagers running into the school. " You guys ready to run?" We nod and open the doors and Ashton grabs my hand. "Ready, set, sprint!"

We sprint to the entrance, and wiped our shoes on the mat. We look around and the lights flash on and off, then back on.

"It' going to be an interesting day." I nod and run my hands through my hair.

"Hey, I'm gonna go change for first period. See you after second?" The boys nod and Peyton and I walk to the girls locker room to change. The first bell rings and I change into my gym clothes and walk into the gym with Peyton.

"So, apparently it's a softball day and Mr. Welsh isn't here." She says playing with her painted nails.

"Okay? What's the problem with that Pey?" Before she could answer a whistle is blown and a masculine voice fills the gym.

"Alright everyone lineup."

"Are you shitting me." I groan and line up. Mr. Morrison walks up an down with his clipboard, checking to make sure we have our gym clothes on. 

"Alright, looking good everyone. So let's get to it. Mr. Welsh is sick and took the week off. You'll be stuck with me and in the mean time we will be playing softball." A few of the boys groaned and Peyton and I high-five.

"Ready to kick some ass?" Peyton says smirking evilly.

"Oh yeah." We choose teams and captains. Peyton and I are the captains for our team, and Stacey and Sarah on the other. We go up to flip a coin and Mr. Morrison looks at me with a smirk. "Heads or tails Brookes."

Sarah and I glare at each other playfully, like we do during softball practice. "Heads."

Mr. Morrison flipped the coin and caught it. He flipped it over on the top of his hand. "It's heads. You wanna bat first or field?"

"Field." I say winking at Sarah and Stacey. They groan playfully and we shake hands and run to our teams.

I go to the rubber square for third in the corner of the massive gym. Peyton takes first and Mr. Morrison throws us the old used gloves. Sarah is up to bat first.

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