Chapter 42 - Evil against Evil

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Derrick's P.O.V

I watch the man behind the counter, hoping he will help me. He owes me for everything he has done. If he doesn't voluntarily help me, I'll have to force him.

I told him what happened and he shakes his head. I already know his answer before he opens his dirty mouth and I want to punch every single tooth in his mouth out.

"I'm not helping you hide a dead body! You're insane!" He half whispers half yells.

"Call me what you want, but you aren't any better than I am." He stares at me, his nostrils flaring as he breaths rapidly.

"I didn't send you here to kill people. I sent you here to watch my daughter!"

I turn around and stare at him, dumbfounded. "Don't use Ally as an excuse. You sent me here to end your unfinished business. You had bad people after you, because you fucked them over. You wanted to run away with Ally's real mom. You had been planning it. You stole the money they gave you for the accounts. They thought they were investing in some big company that could've been a huge success! But you are a liar, aren't you? You took their money to run away and were going to leave Ally and her mother to fend for themselves."

"Shut up!" Rick yells covering his ears as if he can block the truth out.

"Her uncle was the perfect way to 'end' your story. The perfect way for you two to run away. But after years of running after you were announced 'dead,' Jen got tired of it and she got tired of you. She made a life of her own, by herself. She didn't need some coward like you."

Rick steps towards me, his hands balled up in fists. "And that's when I met Jen. I knew she was connected to you somehow. I was going to get close to her to get close to you. I wanted that money. Why do you think I was so 'infatuated' with her? She was my only lead to you. I never wanted that old, used up bitch. Two of the people you stole from were my parents and I was going to make you pay." I laugh as I remember the hatred I felt towards this man.

"They went bankrupt. Do you know that? Of you knew that, because you had all of their financial information and you kept pulling out of their savings. Ran them dry, as you soaked up all of their wealth. They believed in you, and you-you fucked them over! When I finally met you, I acted like I wanted to help you. Help you "fix" your mistakes so you could come back home with some crazy story and go back to your perfect life. I was secretly plotting to destroy you even more than you've destroyed yourself. Make you suffer. But, after awhile I met Ally. Oh sweet, beautiful, Ally. She is my heart. I came into this with every intention of hurting her to get back at you for hurting my parents. But little did I know, she would steal my heart and make me love her."

"You don't love her." He hisses and I close my eyes and smile.

"Oh I do. But do you? She was just a ploy in your little games." He runs his hands through his hair.

"If I help you hide this body, you will actually help me get my life back. Ally and Kelly are to never figure out what you know, you got it? We are even after this!" He shouts and I smile.

"Even Steven." I wink and he sighs shaking his head.

He grabs Elizabeth by the feet and I grab her arms. We push her in the hole we've dug and her body lands with a loud thud. "Here." I hand Rick a shovel and he shoots daggers at me with his eyes. I chuckle and we start to fill up the hole with dirt.

"So what is this wood around the hole?" He asks out of breath from all of the digging.

"Well, I'm going to pour cement over this and turn it into a nice patio for the town. Maybe with a nice bench that has a plaque on it in my honor." I joke and he scoffs.

My Teacher's Obsessionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें