Chapter 12 - Let's Play A Game

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------W A R N I N G!-----Intensity will be real this chapter! get ready!-----

Do you ever wonder how things can change so quickly? Like, one minute you're just sitting there watching a movie with your boyfriend, having a great night. Then, the next minute you're staring into the eyes of the devil, of your enemy, your worst  nightmare has now become your reality.

You have nowhere to run? No problem, in a dream you can control whatever happens, you can wake up. Dreams make reality suck because you know what life's all about, there's no escape. You just have to deal with whatever is thrown your way. And I've just been hit with one of the BIGGEST obstacles ever thrown my way.

"Why so quiet Al pal?" The dirt bag who claims to be my uncle says. He's dressed in a janitors outfit with the name 'Dave' on it. I shiver at the thought of how he got that from one of our custodians.

"Get off of me!" I yell hitting him in the chest.

"Hey! That's no way to talk to me considering it's your fault my brother is dead." He calmly says kissing my neck.

"Don't touch me you bastard!" I push him away and head for the door, and of course it's locked. I turn around and he grabs my head and bangs it against the door.

"C'mon it'll just be like old times." He smiles picking me up and laying me on the desk. I bring my hand up to my head and it already has a bump. I groan and try to sit up but he pushes me back down. "Now, now. Let's not make this even more difficult."

He turns around and I kick him in the back of his legs making him fall. I walk up and kick him in the face again and again. I run towards the door and pound on it screaming. "Help me! Anybody!" Thunder erupts and it's no use, no one can hear me. I turn around and he's gone.

My stomach drops as I frantically run around the room trying to find an escape. It's amazing how long you go to a school and think you know it like the back of your hand, but when it comes to a situation like this you can't even unlock a damn window.

"That's it! I'm done being nice!" The devil yells, grabbing my hair and slamming my head on the nearest desk. My ears start ringing and I scream in pain.

"Ah! Just leave me alone, please!" I beg. He laughs and throws me back on the desk. "I love it when you beg." He winks and I have to force the puke back down my throat. I feel weak and I can't move. How did this happen so fast?

I try to move but he grabs my hands and handcuffs each one individually on the legs of the desk. I kick and scream at the top of my lungs. "Someone help me for God's sake!" He slaps me hard and I shut up.

"I never got to tell you how I even got here, aren't even the slightest bit curious?" He says smiling like it was normal conversation.

"No you sick freak." He just blinks slowly and cocks his head to the side. "To bad. Anyways, it was quite the adventure! You're a tough person to track down honey. I was sitting in that cell for way to long and I just had to leave. So, this is where it gets exciting!" He gloats clapping his hands together. "I was on kitchen duty and I walked to the back to 'grab' some more bowls. Foams one by the way if you were wondering. We can't have plastic because people will make shanks or whatever. There's some sick people in prison!" I lift my head an widen my eyes looking at him.

"Oh really? That's just crazy! I never would've thought!" I say sarcastically.

"I know right, I was surprised too!" I roll my eyes at this idiot and lay my head back down while he continues.

"But anyways, I went back and there was only one security guard. So long story short, I killed him, took his keys, and left that place." I gulped quietly and my palms started to sweat. He killed another person? What if he came back to kill me?

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