Chapter 31 - Done But Not Finished

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Peyton's P.O.V

I finish getting all the junk food I had bought for tonight out and start searching for movies.

"The Notebook, no. The Heather's, no. Dirty Dancing, uhm yes." I excitedly whisper to myself. I look at the clock and see that it's eight. Ally should be here any minute.

I clap my hands together, I can't believe we went two weeks without talking. Those were the worst two weeks of my freaking life.

The doorbell rings and I jump up running over to the door. I swing it open, looking down at the movies in my hand.

"Okay, so I think we should watch-"

I'm pushed out of the way and I look up. "What are you doing here?" I sneer and Mr. Morrison turns towards me.

"You need to leave Ally alone. You're no good for her." I scoff and cross my arms over my chest.

"Last time I checked, you aren't anywhere close to winning best boyfriend of the year award. So if anyone should stay away from Ally, it's you."

He glares at me as he takes long steps my way, until he's inches away from my face. "I love her, I trust her, and I believe when she tells me she didn't try to sabotage her friendship with a text." He mocks, smirking.

This bastard.

I bring my hand back ready to slap him across his smug looking face but he catches my wrist with his hand and squeezes it hard.

"Now you listen to me you little whore, you will not go anywhere near my girlfriend. She is mine and she doesn't need someone like you in her life. If I see you around her again, I will make your life a living hell."

I groan in pain as he gives my wrist one last squeeze. He throws my hand down and I immediately rub it trying to ease the stinging.

He goes to walk out of the door but I stop him with a laugh. "You really think that your threat, will stop me from being friends with someone I've known my whole life? Are you really that dumb? I may not have believed her when she sent that text at first, but I was only angry. When I see Ally at school, I'll make sure to let her know about this little visit. Then we can see who she wants to keep in her life."

I didn't want to tell him Ally should be here any minute because then he could feed her more lies. If I play my cards right, I can get my best friend away from this psycho.

He backs me up against the wall, and traps me with both arms on each side of my head.

"You do that Peyton, then there will be severe consequences. I'm warning you now, and if you aren't the stupid bitch I think you are, you'll take this warning and stop while you're ahead."  He leans down and kisses my cheek.

"Now I need to get going, because I have a date to plan with my girlfriend. I'm assuming you'll be cancelling this little sleepover you've got planned." He winks catching me in my lie and walks out of the house. I bring my hand up to my cheek and wipe it off.

After maybe ten minutes of day dreaming and countless murder plans, Ally walks through the door.

"Hey sweets!" She greets smiling. "Uhm, why is your door open and why are you just standing there staring at the floor? You okay?" She walks over to me and rubs my arms.

I shake my head and hug her tight. I pull away and look at what she's wearing. "Why are you wearing clothes that could fit my dad?" I laugh and she roll her eyes.

"Because the weirdest thing happened today. I was in Ms. Dillard's class just doing my work, until Derrick walks in all pissed off. He basically dragged me into his room and made me change my outfit. He said I shouldn't wear it because other guys would be staring at me or something like that."

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