Chapter 30- Manipulate Me

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*TIP: Closely pay attention to Derrick's actions in here. It shows a lot about his character and the obsession.*

Ally's P.O.V

I sit in class, tapping my foot against the tile floor. Five more minutes.

"Okay class, your homework is on the board. Please write it down and more importantly, let's actually do it tonight, yeah?" The class laughs, knowing that no one will probably do it.

The bell rings and I hop out of my seat and gather my things. I run to my locker and shove my things in there quickly. It's an early release day so we don't have to go to our last two classes of the day. Which means no Mr. Morrison. I've been avoiding him since the kiss because I'm confused as hell.

How did it not feel wrong to kiss my best friend? I don't doubt my feelings towards Mr. Morrison for a second because I know that I love him. After I went home I felt so guilty and I still do. But why didn't it FEEL wrong?

I speed walk to my car and I see a note on the windshield.

Meet me in the gym after school. Please.

-D x

I sigh and crumple it up. I sit in my car and wait until I'm the last car in the student parking lot. I get out and pull up my hood. I go to the back door and sneak in quietly. I walk into the dark gym and I hear someone whisper.

"Over here." I see a phone screen and I tip toe over to it.

"Uhm, hey." I awkwardly say and he turns on his flashlight putting it inbetween us so we can see both of our faces.

"Uhm hey? Really? Where the hell have you been? I haven't talked to you in like two days!" He whisper-yells and I close my eyes so I can't see his angry face.

"I've been busy."

"Doing what?" He scoffs and I flick his forehead.

"Don't be so sassy." He grins but quickly scowls again when I don't answer the question. "Answer me."

"Okay, I haven't been busy. I've been a whore." I shamelessly answer and he looks at me confused.

"I kissed Ashton." I look away waiting for his harsh response and I just see the light of his phone turn off.

"Derrick?" No answer. I pull out my own phone and turn on my light. I shine it across from me and I see him standing there with a hand over his mouth, a single tear falls down his cheek and I feel my heart break.

"Babe, I'm so sorry, I-"

"Please, don't. I can't do this right now." His voice cracks at the end as he pushes passed me and walks out of the door. I'm left with my mouth slightly open. His face  and those tears never leaving my mind. I throw my phone but quickly rush over to make sure I didn't break it.

I dial Derricks number and listen to it ring. After the third ring I get sent to voicemail. I run out of the gym and hop into my car. I drive to his house and run inside. He is my life, I can't lose him.

'If he was your life you wouldn't have kissed Ashton, idiot.' My subconscious screams.

I shake my head and I call out his name. I hear a crash upstairs and I run toward the sound. I look inside his den and he's there in his chair with his head in his hands.

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