Chapter 29 - Messes

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Sorry for the wait guys! I hope this is can make up for it. It's quite long. Love you all xx (Not edited btw)

Ally's P.O.V

I stare at the front door as I breath in. I reluctantly hold my fist up in the air before knocking against it. I shift on my toes as my heart races. The door opens slowly and I look up. I gasp as I look into my older doppelgangers eyes.

In this moment, I lose all control to breath. My palms become sweaty and I debate on just turning around and running away. At least that is what the old Ally would do.

"Hello, Ally."

I close my eyes trying to believe this is just a dream. A nightmare really.

"Ally?" She questions , and I realize I probably look like a freak just standing there holding my breath.

I open my eyes and gather all the courage I could. I look up at her and sarcastically reply, "Hello, mother."

Jen's eyes widen as she brings her hands to her mouth. "H-How did-"

"I find out? My mom- I mean my other- , jesus, Kelly told me." I confusingly finished.

She looks down ashamed. "I wanted to tell you but-" She stops and sighs. "How about you come in and I'll explain everything."

"I know all that I want to know. I just came here to, I don't know, maybe hear you say that it isn't true. That I'm not your daughter. But, your reaction has told me otherwise." I stare at the 'welcome' rug under my feet and scoff. There is nothing welcoming about this place.

"You're the only adult I thought hadn't lied to me, and I come to find out, you were the biggest liar of them all." She opens her mouth to say something but I put my hand up to stop her.

"Growing up, I use to wish you were my mom. You treated me like you were and now I know why. But, you also watched me suffer, and still you didn't think to tell me the truth. To take me away from here and save me. Not once. I'm no stranger to pain or betrayal Jen, but this," I say moving my hands between us, "this is on a whole new level of bullshit. All the letters we wrote to each other, the phone calls, the emails. They were all lies."

She looked at me through her glossy eyes and I had to look away. I caused those tears rolling down her cheeks, but I can't help the pain I'm feeling as well. I had to let it out.

"Look Al, before you walk away just read this." She pulls a red envelope out of her purse beside the door. "I have been holding onto this for years. I tried to give it to you a million times but could never bring myself to do it."

I take the envelope in my shaky hands and flip it over . "To my delicate little rose." was written on the front and my heart shattered right then and there.

I look up at her and she was full on sobbing now. "Do you remember?" She whispers and I nod my head slowly fighting back the lump in my throat.

"I-I need to go." I weakly rush out and I turn around running down the street.

After about five minutes I slump against a tree and slide down it onto the ground. I hit the side of my head out of frustration, hoping that'll erase the memories. "Why can't you forget! Let me forget!"

I remember that day like it was yesterday , like she just told me the words I longed to hear from a women I had hoped was my mother.


"Ally baby, come here please!" I hear Jen's voice softly carry through the halls of her massive, yet comfy home.

"Coming!" I shout laughing as I slide down the huge rail leading down the stairs.

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