Chapter 19 - Past Is the Past

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Sometimes in life you feel like you can take on the world. You challenge yourself, realizing fun starts at the end of your comfort zone. Take risks, they say. You're only young for a short period of time, so live in the moment, they say. Well little do they know that living in the moment, no matter what, we will always question our decisions. Even when we don't mean to, we always second guess because our minds don't always agree with our hearts.

That's what happens with the girl in the hospital bed, and the man staring back at her, love clear in his eyes. They always second guessed themselves, their choices, their feelings. She is too insecure to love anyone else because she doesn't even love herself. He loves himself enough that he doesn't need anyone else to love him, that is until he met her. She made him question himself, she put him at the end of his comfort zone, now he knows what fun is, what loving someone else feels like, and when she confessed she loved him in the way he loved her, his whole world stopped, only seeing her in his eyes. No one else mattered because it was just the two of them.

He was her crutch and she hates feeling weak, but with him it's different. She doesn't mind leaning on him, or letting her guard down every once in a while. He doesn't mind carrying her every step of the way because he knows in the end it's worth it.

He looks up to the now conscious girl staring back at him with her innocent eyes. "Y-You love me?" Never once did their eyes leave each other.

She lets out a little giggle nodding. His heart explodes with warmth as he stands up grabbing her face in his rough yet soft hands. He kisses her now chapped lips.

"I thought I lost you." He says. She grabs his hand and runs her thumb over his knuckles gently. "I'm s-sorry." She whispers looking down in shame.

"You're here now. That's all that matters, baby." Her heart flutters at the name he used and her cheeks flame of scarlet.

He explains to her what happened from when the sick menace of an uncle took her, to when she woke up only a few minutes ago that now feels like years.

"You saved my life? Why didn't you give up like everyone else?" She says her bottom lip quivering.

"You know why. You're my princess. Have you ever heard of a fairytale where there's a prince and no princess?"

"So we're living in a fairytale?" She smiles,  playing with his long slender fingers.

"Our own version of a fairytale, yes. Ours is unique." He leans down and attaches his lips to hers.

"You're my hero..." She whispers intending for it to be only a thought, but blushes when she realizes she had said it out loud. 

"I've missed your smile." She looks down and he lifts her head up with his fingers.

"Never hide your face from me. I could stare at it all day everyday, and that's what I intend to do from now on. I'm going to make sure you know just how beautiful you are."

"Ally's P.O.V

My heart aches in a positive way, every time he compliments me. He knows how to make me blush, how to make me smile, how to make me feel good. This feeling is so foreign to me. He makes me forget about the aching, throbbing pain coming from my wrists. He makes me feel normal. Like a beautiful human being. He makes me feel like I actually matter in this disgusting world. That's the thing though, I always thought this world was a horrific place, until I met the one person who seemed to make it beautiful.

He makes the sun seem dull, that's how bright and beautiful he is. He is a very special person, and I got his attention, his love. That means something to me. It ignited a fire inside of me, it wakes me up.

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