Chapter 20 - Group Therapies A Bitch

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Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated! I've been busy with school and work but I should be back to updating regularly! Warning: you'll either love Ally in this chapter or you'll either hate her. (; But please leave the negative vibes to yourself because I'm excited to write this! Love you all!

Ally's P.O.V

"Ally honey, just please eat the steak." The new bimbo nurse pleads for the millionth time as I just stare blankly in the mirror.

I look like a skeleton. A lifeless, colorless, skeleton. It's as if you would touch me, I would crumble to the ground. I've been here for two weeks. No contact with anyone. I feel like I'm drowning and I can see everyone around me breathing. I'm sinking deeper into the abyss and no one can help me out.

"Ally! For Christ's Sake! Please!" She yells angrily at me and finally I look up at her through my bag covered eyes.

"You think I haven't tried! Anything I eat comes right back up!" I stand up and yell in her face.

"Calm down." She pushes me back and I stumble a little before regaining my balance.

"Don't touch me, and don't tell me to eat the steak. If I want the damned steak, then I'll fucking eat it!"

"Watch your mouth! I'm just trying to help!"

"Help? No, no one wants to just 'help.' Leave me alone. You've only started working here two days ago. Don't act like you know me and don't call me honey." This women I swear. She's like twenty-two. I'm not five and she acts as if I don't even know the alphabet.

"Fine, have it your way you fat piece of shit." She throws the tray on the ground and leaves with a slam of the metal bedroom door. I stare back at myself into the mirror again, like I've been doing ever since I got here.

I've been in this eating disorder rehabilitation clinic for too long. After I got home from the hospital I thought I was okay, but seeing the house and the mess left behind, I just broke. Memories of my uncle violating me, me almost dying, him hurting Derrick, everything. I couldn't take it and I still wasn't eating.  I couldn't. So my mom and Derrick sent me here. They are going to feel my foot up their asses when I get back. I have to finish the rest of my junior year on a MacBook and homeschooling website.

Yay for me.

I can't take three whole months of this. All of a sudden I get that familiar queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach and I run into the connected bathroom and push the lid up.

Nothing comes up, just dry heaves due to the fact that I haven't eaten anything the passed two days. I lean against the wall weak and exhausted. My head is pounding and my skin is on fire.

"Looks like you need a pick-me-up." I look up and see a tall, well built man around my age, with brown hair and dull matching eyes. He sits down next to me and hands me a brown bag with a bottle in it.

"U-Uhm w-"

"I'm Charlie." He interrupts, holding out his hand, I stare cautiously at it before shaking it with my own.

"Ally." I smell inside the bottle and tequila fills my nose. "Oh, no thank you."

I try handing him back the bottle but he pushes it away. "Trust me, if you want to survive in here you'll need it."

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