Chapter 13 - Slow down

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Stitches by Shawn Mendes is a good song for the end of this chapter, js. (;

----------------------------------------I hear light snores in my ear and I instantly smile. I roll over; slightly cringing at my sore body; and look at the sleeping man next to me. I poke his nose until he wakes up and I'm met with beautiful blue eyes.

"Well good morning beautiful." Keagen says wrapping an arm around me. He kisses my forehead and sits up rubbing his eyes. He looks at the window and his eyes widen.

"What?" I look out the window and my eyes widen too. "How is it still raining?" He shrugs and we walk out of the nurses office. I didn't particularly tell Keagen what happened last night, I just told him I never made it to Mr. Morrison's classroom and that a window was broken from the storm and the glass flew at me cutting me. Not a very clever story but I think he bought it.

I really didn't feel like sharing what I had just encountered for a second time last night.

The cafeteria and gym is still filled with students but it is also filled with food. We walk into the gym and find Peyton and the boys. Peyton runs toward me
with a worried expression.

"Ally." She says eyeing me.

"Uhm, hey Kea can you give us a minute?"

"Sure thing babe." He kisses me and walks off.

"Are you okay? Mr. Morrison told me what happened. That creep could still be in here." She rushes out hugging me and looking around.

I wince and she pulls away quickly apologizing. "I'm fine. Just freaked out and sore, everywhere." I say waving my hands up and down my body.

"You should call your mom, tell her what happened."

"Are you crazy? That psycho doesn't care about anyone but herself. Hell, she pretty much said she hopes he rapes me again. Well, he succeeded. I'm sure she would be happy to hear that through the grapevine." I shout and Peyton looks down and guilt hits me.

"I'm sorry Pey. I didn't mean to be rude. I just have so much disgust for her and my uncle. I told her how I felt and that's how I want to leave it. Her knowing I hate her." She nods and grabs my hand.

"Well the boys and I are always here for you, okay?"

"And so am I." Mr. Morrison says coming up from behind Peyton.

I look down and nod. "Thanks guys." Peyton walks off leaving me with him and I move my feet up and down nervously. Last night changed how I felt towards him. I don't hate him, but I don't think I'll be falling for him anytime soon. He said he would do anything for me and I believe him. I actually trust him.

"So," He says breaking the awkward silence.

"So," I repeat. "Thanks again, for last night."

"You can stop thanking me. Like I said, I would do it over and over again. But, let's just hope I won't have to." Cold chills rush down my spine when I think of actually seeing that dirtbag again.

He puts his hand on my shoulder and rubs it soothingly. "Don't worry I'm here, always." I send him a small smile and pull my arm away slightly. I just feel so disgusting after be...manipulated and abused last night. I feel like a dirty rag that should just be thrown away.

I clear my throat and walk around him. "I should probably get back to, uhm, my friends and Keagen." He waves me off smiling.

I walk over to the group and the boys attack me with gentle hugs. Our conversations are cut short when the lights flash back on and our principle announces that we can go home on the loud speaker. My friends all cheer and hop up. We get our stuff we walk to the exit.

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