Chapter 10: Rage

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    "Tell me, is it noticeable that I didn't sleep well last night?" It's lunch at this time and I've just taken my seat at our table. "Yeah a bit." Bryce tilts my head up with his eager finger, investigating the wet surface of my cheeks.
     "More like you just saw a ghost from your—" Chloe is interrupted when Bryce asks, "were you crying?" He locks eyes with me momentarily but before he can ensure that indeed I was crying, I push him away.

I've always found it difficult to admit when I'm in emotional turmoil, hence why it took so long for me to break out of that toxic relationship. In this moment though, I'm far too tired to dance around the truth.

     "Yes, I- uhm had a bad dream." I clear my throat.
     "Ah, shit" Riley curses and everyone's attention quickly averts to her. Her eyes remain locked on her phone screen.
     "What is it?" I ask and with a slow tilt of her head she's looking me in my eyes. "Take a wild guess."

"Dawson." Bryces's jaw twitches slightly but he remains collected, for now at least. "Well what'd he say?" Chloe leans forward to try and catch a glimpse at the text chain.

"He says that if Kyla just says she's sorry for getting him expelled, and I quote "this will all be over" whatever the hell that means." Riley quickly reads off but with every slimy word, my blood begins to boil and my fear turns to rage. "Me? I need to apologize? This is fucking ridiculous." With haste I jolt from my seat and scan the entire lunch room for—

Dawson. There he sits with Cooper and his hooligans. Not a care in the world, no regret for the pain he's caused and is still causing me and I'm supposed to say sorry?

     My strides are drawn out and aggressive as I glare at the smug look on Dawson's face. The familiar brown shaggy hair has bile rising to my throat; memories edging their way into my mind.

     Once I'm spotted by the scrawny blonde guy at the end of the table he presses his lips together and anxiously taps his buddy's shoulder. The friend quickly locks eyes with me and grins. I recognize him from my biology class last year. His name is Cameron. He was a headache, still is.

     "Well, look what we have here." Cameron clicks his tongue and the rest of the table has caught my attention. Cooper immediately shakes his head, as usual he's upset by my mere presence. Dawson clasps his hands together and rests his chin on his knuckles ever so casually. A devilish smirk stretches across his lips.

    "I was wondering when I'd get the pleasure of your company again." He looks me over appreciatively. It takes me back to all of those times he'd look down at me as I lay on his bed, clothes strewn all over the floor. Those used to be good memories now they're all tainted with his betrayal.

     "Don't use that bullshit on me, Dawson." I scoff, watching his eyebrow twitch ever so slightly. "I'm not fucking apologizing. Now stop texting my friends and leave us the hell alone." It was silent for only a second before someone at the table thought it'd be funny to speak up. "You're kind of a bitch." He chuckled but before anyone else had the time to laugh I responded.

"Do us all a favor and shut your damn mouth." I'm feeling pretty confident up until my attention is redirected to Dawson as he slowly exhales and begins to stand up, making his way towards me. I can feel myself shrinking and shrinking the closer he gets, soon he's in my face and I'm two feet tall.

"You're not going to apologize?" He glares down at me, clearly speaking in a condescending tone. Putting on the best poker face I've got I nod, "that's what I said." I try to sound at least somewhat threatening but telling by Dawson's cold and unwavering stare it's obvious my attempts are futile.

     He slithers closer to my ear and I shudder at the feeling of his breath hot on my neck. "Then why the fuck are you still here?" Venom, his voice is dripping with nothing but venom. He steps back from me and smiles at my uneasy demeanor. "Until you have purpose to me sweetheart, don't waste my time." With his hands in his pockets and mine slowly beginning to shake I can't help what comes next.

The sound ricochets off of the lunchroom walls and everything is silent it's just for a second before the room fills with the usual loud chatter again. "You disgust me." I ignore the excruciating stinging sensation spreading through my entire hand and force myself to meet Dawson's eyes. They've gone dark, clouded over with what can only be identified as pure unfiltered rage.

I can hear the boys behind him mumbling and chuckling as if this is amusing to them. As if their friend being a literal psychopath is some kind of a joke. Terrifyingly enough, Dawson doesn't budge. He just touches his cheek and chuckles before saying "seems like we have more than just history in common, huh?"

"Go to hell." I seethe, quickly turning around and heading for my table before he can see me break. I grab my backpack and make my immediate exit into the halls. The second I step out I can feel air returning to my lungs and a sense of ease washes over me. My friends come barreling into the hall after me and without even needing to say a word, Riley and Chloe throw their arms around me and I begin to cry. I wonder if I'll ever stop.

Just Kidding | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon